Sherman Junior High School seems to be protecting one of their shitty so-called “teachers”, named Cheryl Judy, who is just a libtard loser, trying to pass her Trump Derangement Syndrome onto the kids she teaches by wearing stupid shit, like her jacket with “TUCK FRUMP” on the back.
Any stupid fucking bitchbag, like Cheryl Judy, who thinks it’s OK to wear something like that jacket in front of kids, especially one that disparages the President of the United States, has no place in a classroom, and should never be allowed to teach kids in any setting ever again.
Just look at the picture of disgusting skank troll Cheryl Judy and you can tell that she is a total piece of shit libtard loser who thinks very highly of herself for polluting the minds of kids with the stupid and disgusting diarrhea that apparently spews from her mind and mouth.
A West Virginia junior high school art teacher who makes clear to her students her anti-President Donald Trump views in class-time discussions is getting heat for being photographed wearing a profane anti-Trump message on a jacket in class.
Cheryl Judy, who teaches at Sherman Junior High School in the town of Seth located in Boone County wore a jacket that had letters that spelled “TUCK FRUMP” affixed to the back. The letters F-U-C-K were in white and the letters T-R-U-M-P were in black to make her word play and profanity crystal clear.
Judy has had the patch for a while. A photo was posted to her Twitter account on February 26.
Judy said in a statement to 13 News.
“First, yes, I did wear that jacket to school, sans the patch on the back. I took the patch with me so that I could pin it onto the jacket before I left school. This was on Thursday. Since I had a little time before school was out to pin the patch on the jacket, so I did. I tried it on to make sure that the patch was straight. I only had it on for less than two minutes. A like minded student snapped a photo and shared it on social media without my permission. This has gotten so blown out of proportion that it is unreal. I never intended for this to happen. I did not put the jacket back on and made sure that the patch was not exposed until I was well away from the school. People think that I flaunted the jacket at school. I did not. I am a very liberal person but I never force my liberalism on others and never would.”
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A video report by KOWK featured an interview with a student who said he would be suspended if he wore what Judy wore. The student, Braxton Harless, also said, “We talk about politics more in her (art) class than a lot of others. But I just know she does not support Trump whatsoever.”
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