The American People DEMAND to see the three-and-a-half-hour interview of criminal Hillary Clinton.
This is a woman who is running for the highest office in the nation, and we demand to know the details of the Clinton criminal investigation by the FBI BEFORE THE ELECTION.
We know that the Democrats are scrambling to keep Lyin’ Hillary’s FBI interview secret from the American People, because they know that every single fucking thing that Lyin’ Hillary Clinton has told the American People has been bald-faced lies!
It seems to us that Hillary Clinton is a criminal on multiple fronts, and needs to be held accountable for her crimes.
The Obama administration is urgently debating how to respond to congressional demands for the official report on Hillary Clinton’s three-and-a-half-hour interview at FBI headquarters, as some inside and outside government raise concerns about giving lawmakers access to politically sensitive records of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email system.
During congressional testimony last month, FBI Director James Comey promised to respond promptly to lawmakers’ requests for the interview summaries known as “302s” for Clinton and other witnesses, as well as other information gathered in the course of the year-long FBI probe.
“I’ll commit to giving you everything I can possibly give you under the law and to doing it as quickly as possible,” Comey told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee July 7.
Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) sent Comey a letter the same day requesting the entire “investigative file” on the Clinton email issue. Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) also asked Comey for all 302 reports related to the case, requesting that they be turned over by the end of last month.
Comey and the FBI are pressing to send at least some of the requested information to the Hill soon, but others in government have stepped in to question such a move, officials tracking the debate said.
Among those involved in the discussions are State Department officials, since many of those interviewed in the FBI probe are current or former State employees.
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