Fatass Tenacious D Bandmate Kyle Gass Wishes President Trump Was Killed In Allowed Assassination Attempt

While on stage during a concert, and only one day after the failed assassination attempt on President Trump, Tenacious D Bandmate Kyle Gass used a birthday wish, to wish that President Trump’s would-be assassin wouldn’t miss next time.

During a Tenacious D concert in Australia, Jack Black presented a birthday cake to his bandmate Kyle Gass, and asked for his wish. Kyle Gass’s disgusting response was “Don’t miss Trump next time!”

Jack Black claims that he was “blindsided” by the birthday wish of Kyle Gass, but Jack Black laughed at what he said, and then thanked Gass for his wish.

“I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form. After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour, and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding.” – Tenacious D Bandmate Jack Black

Apparently, Jack Black has also cancelled the rest of the “Spicy Meatball Tour” but I think that Black is of the same mindset as Gass, and the cancellation of the tour was done really just out of self-preservation, because they know that the rest of the tour would be a flop anyway, and they may even be worried about their safety. IF Jack Black really was that shocked over what his bandmate said, he wouldn’t have laughed so hard after the shitty comment.

Gass did apologize as well, but not for real.. The ONLY reason why Gas apologized is because the shit started hitting the fan, and it was very messy! Gass’ agent also apparently dropped Gass as a client, due to his stupid and hateful comments.

“The line I improvised onstage Sunday night in Sydney was highly inappropriate, dangerous, and a terrible mistake. I don’t condone violence of any kind, in any form, against anyone. What happened was a tragedy, and I’m incredibly sorry for my severe lack of judgement. I profoundly apologize to those I’ve let down and truly regret any pain I’ve caused.” – Tenacious D Bandmate Kyle Gass

Australian senator Ralph Babet posted on X that Gass and Black “should be immediately removed from the country”.

“To advocate and or wish for the assassination of a President is egregious, disgusting, filthy, evil, and not acceptable in any way, shape or form. This was not a joke, he was deadly serious when he wished for the death of the President. I call on the prime minister Anthony Albanese to join me in denouncing Tenacious D, Jack Black and band member Kyle Gass, and I call on the immigration minister Andrew Giles to revoke their visas and deport them immediately! Anything less than a deportation is an endorsement of the shooting and the attempted assassination of Donald J Trump.” – Australian senator Ralph Babet

Concert promoter Frontier Touring posted “Ticket holders are asked to hold onto their tickets until further information is available”, but I would recommend going ahead and getting your refund, because I doubt that Tenacious D will continue as a band after this major fuck-up.

Elon Musk called it “evil”, but the leftist fake news liars are trying to make excuses for the dickhead, saying that Gass’ comment “was a joke”. But it wasn’t a joke. It is how Kyle Gass actually feels, and anyone making excuses for him probably wishes President Trump was killed in the democrat’s failed assassination attempt against him.

Personally, I hope all of the other leftist idiots, like fatass Tenacious D Bandmate Kyle Gass, make their public statements wishing for Trump’s murder, because each of them will be quickly cancelled, and we will no longer have to see or hear the idiots.

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