Fatass Loser Michael Moore Wants Leftists to ‘Put Our Bodies On the Line’ To Bring Down President Trump

Fat leftist tub-of-goo loser Michael Moore is telling his fans that they need to ‘put our bodies on the line’ in order to bring down President Trump and his administration.

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Fatass Loser Michael Moore Wants Leftists to 'Put Our Bodies On the Line' To Bring Down President Trump

Fatass Loser Michael Moore Wants Leftists to ‘Put Our Bodies On the Line’ To Bring Down President Trump

“Sadly, Trump is not going to leave. He plans to be reelected, he loves the term ‘president for life.’ The only way that we’re going to stop this is eventually we’re all going to have to put our bodies on the line. You’re going to have to be willing to do this.”

It’s extra funny though because the only line that Michael Moore would ever put his body in-line for is the ice cream or buffet line.

Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore put out a clarion call to the leftist Resistance Thursday, urging them to put their bodies on the line to bring down the Trump presidency.

In an interview with Late Show host Stephen Colbert, Moore said he disapproved of violence and intimidation but said the anti-Trump resistance must be “willing” to risk their bodies to help bring him down.

“We don’t have to be violent, we have to remain non-violent, but if the worst that happens to anybody in the Trump administration is that they don’t get to have a chicken dinner in Virginia, I mean, I don’t know,” Moore told Colbert. “But that’s not what’s going on now. We’re not talking about political differences. We’re talking about thousands of children being kidnapped and put in jails.”

“Sadly, Trump is not going to leave,” Moore continued. “He plans to be reelected, he loves the term ‘president for life.’ The only way that we’re going to stop this is eventually we’re all going to have to put our bodies on the line. You’re going to have to be willing to do this.”

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