Fake News Liars/Democrats/CIA/Secret Service Responsible for Assassination Attempt Against President Trump

How did the Secret Service allow President Trump to be shot, coming within 1/4 of an inch of being assassinated, at his rally in Butler PA on Saturday July 13th?


The Secret Service did not protect President Trump. They got lucky that the shooter didn’t have the best aim, and that President Trump turned his head at the last second, which saved his life. If President Trump didn’t turn his head at that exact time, he would have been killed.

As far as I’m concerned, there are only two explanations for allowing the assassination attempt on President Trump. Incompetence or collusion with the shooter. And with the democrat’s pushing to take away President Trump’s Secret Service protection, I am leaning towards collusion, and the democrats being in on the assassination attempt against President Trump.

Democrats know they have no chance of beating President Trump at the polls, so the only way they will have a chance to win anything in the next election is if President Trump is gone. Like dead.

The police sniper in the photo posted about the assassination attempt on President Trump, saying that he was ordered to not shoot the would-be assassin!

2 Secret Service snipers on top of the barn seemed to have their weapons aimed directly at the would-be assassin for a long time, but neither agent shot him until after the assassin shot President Trump. Why was the Secret Service sniper not allowed to take out the shooter until after the would-be assassin was able to shoot 7-8 rounds at President Trump?

“My name in Jonathan Willis, I’m the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump’s rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for 3 minutes, but the head of the Secret Service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took shots at President Trump. I didn’t follow the orders though, as soon as the shooter opened fire on Trump I returned fire despite strict order to not engage. I had eyes on the shooter for three minutes watching him fiddle with his rifle and adjust the scope, it was obvious he was a shooter yet I wasn’t allowed to engage. After I killed the shooter I was arrested, questioned by the FBI, and just released an hour ago. Already lost my job for not following orders, but I’m glad I took the shots anyway.”

That looks very fishy! Kind of like the Secret Service intentionally left that rooftop unprotected, and then wouldn’t allow the snipers to kill the assassin until after after the shooter’s assassination attempt on President Trump failed.

“It was a total security breakdown from start to finish. From the total security plan for the rally to the reaction once the shots rang out. Imagine if the shooter hadn’t been this kid but a well-trained cell? Our enemies are looking at us thinking we can take Trump or anyone out now without a problem” – former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker 

Director of Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle, who is also involved in the Jan6th coverup, is mainly responsible for allowing the assassination attempt on Trump, and many people in the government are asking for her resignation. We don’t know if allowing the assassination attempt was done on purpose or not, but it DEFINITELY looks very fishy, and needs to be FULLY investigated by people outside the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, or local police.

Apparently, Kimberly Cheatle and Alejandro Mayorkas were asked for more Secret Service protection for President Trump on multiple occasions, but the requests were denied.

“I want to repeat and can absolutely confirm, the USSS Director Kim Cheatle has repeatedly turned down requests for a larger security footprint around President Trump, Despite knowing the threat level is catastrophic. Resign tonight.” – Dan Bongino

I have heard people say on TV that the Secret Service doesn’t have the funding needed to cover the building’s “outside the perimeter” used to shoot President Trump. That’s bullshit! It wouldn’t take one extra dollar to have one fucking officer on that roof, which would have prevented the shooting 100%. There were already police near the building. WHY WEREN’T THEY ON THAT BUILDING?

“The rooftop where a gunman shot at former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally was identified by the Secret Service as a potential vulnerability in the days before the event, two sources familiar with the agency’s operations told NBC News. The building, owned by a glass research company, is adjacent to the Butler Farm Show, an outdoor venue in Butler, Pennsylvania. The Secret Service was aware of the risks associated with it, the sources said. “Someone should have been on the roof or securing the building so no one could get on the roof,” said one of the sources, a former senior Secret Service agent who was familiar with the planning.”

Why was the only spot that could have been used to shoot at President Trump left open for a shooter? Seriously! How was a building that overlooked the venue, and was only 165 yards (500 feet) away NOT inside the so-called perimeter? A monkey with a scoped rifle and 5 minutes practice could shoot something 200 yards away 2 out of 3 times. Hell, I can hit a golf ball over 200 yards without even trying.

“Extreme incompetence or it was deliberate, Either way, the SS leadership must resign.” – Elon Musk

It’s hard to believe that the Secret Service didn’t know he was there. Especially when multiple people on the ground saw the shooter crawling with a gun Army style up the rooftop with a gun, and pointed him out to police and Secret Service minutes before President Trump was shot.

One eye witness even said that after being alerted to the shooter on the rooftop “There were 20 Secret Service agents running around in the field like chickens with their heads cut off.”  instead of engaging the shooter.

Leftist Fake News Media Reactions:

  • Many fake news liars would not admit that what happened was an assassination attempt against President Trump.
  • CNN initially posts that “Trump Fell” and had to be helped off the stage, instead of the truth that one of their viewers had tried to assassinate President Trump.
  • TYT’s Cenk Uygur initially tried making it seem like nothing, saying that President Trump was shot with a BB gun or some shrapnel.. fucking idiot!
  • Dumb cunt CBS News female anchor actually scolded President Trump for not condemning the violence immediately after the shooting, telling his supporters to not retaliate. Dumb bitch! Its not TRUMP’S supporters shooting people!
  • On CNN, while showing the video of the assassination attempt, where multiple people including the former President of the United States were shot, and one man died, some dumb bitch actually says “Donald Trump and the people around him perceive themselves to be under threat.. and that’s all that matters.. that is not legitimate, that is wrong.” They aren’t under threat?? Really CNN?

If the democrats were not involved in setting up the assassination attempt against President Trump, at the very least they bear a lot of the responsibility for the near-deadly attack.

The fake news liars calling President Trump “Hitler” and all sorts of other disgusting things, live on air, are the #1 cause of the assassination attempt against President Trump. Any person who could go back in time and kill Hitler would be a hero, and that is what they are trying to signal to their nutjob followers. They WANTED their viewers to take out Hitler, and then they could report about the assassination of President Trump with clean-ish hands and smiles on their face.

The democrats are almost as bad as the leftist crap media, with Biden saying that “President Trump must be stopped at all costs!” and “Its time to put Trump in a bullseye”.

Elected members of the democrat party have even openly called for President Trump’s assassination.

I can easily imagine what some people would do if President Trump actually was assassinated. I think what would happen would be a new Civil War and most likely an all-out free-for-all against congressional democrats.


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