HAHAHA!!! The democrats have been wrong about everything related to the Chinese COVID-19 Wuhan Coronavirus from day 1, and now CNN is crying that a new political ad by President Trump’s team shows CNN, MSNBC and others praising President Trump for his great handling of the Chinese virus – which goes completely against the fake news liars’ ultimate goal of destroying President Trump, and prevent his re-election in 2020.
WAAAA!!!! the CNN fake news crybabies even felt like they had to get their lawyers involved, and in true democrat fashion that also failed. BOOM!!
CNN has sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Trump campaign over an ad featuring footage from CNN’s coverage of the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic that the network claims is “deceptive” because it suggests that a CNN analyst agreed that President Trump’s actions saved potentially millions of lives.
“A lawyer for CNN’s parent company WarnerMedia has written a cease-and-desist letter to President Trump’s re-election campaign over the misleading contents of a new campaign ad,” the network announced Monday. “WarnerMedia says the Trump ad is misusing CNN news coverage in a way that’s ‘false, misleading and deceptive.’”
“My administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat,” Trump says at the start of the new campaign ad, a coronavirus response-themed ad released Sunday titled “American Comeback” (video below).
The ad then cuts to various critics of Trump’s initial ban on travel from China, including presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, who accuses Trump of “xenophobia.”
That criticism is followed by a clip from CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Dr. Sanjay Gupta discussing the social distancing steps recommended by the federal government and taken by the states.
“Is it accurate that if these steps had not been put in place, … it could have been 2 million people down here in the United States?” asks Blitzer, while images of an airport screen showing “cancelled” flights and a Chinese airliner flash on the screen. “Yes,” says Gupta.
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