Eric Trump Takes On Libtard Hillary Clinton Shill Hacks On CNN And Kicks Their Asses!

You have to watch this video of Eric Trump taking on the Hillary Clinton shill hacks at CNN, and kick their asses all over their set!

I have no clue who the disgusting skank is on the stage, but how many times is that stupid bitch going to ask Eric Trump about his father’s taxes? She asked if he has paid federal taxes, and Eric Trump said yes, and the stupid bitch kept asking the same question. Get a fucking clue you dumb fucking whore!

Every time Eric Trump started talking about Hillary Clinton, the disgusting bitch would interrupt him to ask about his father’s taxes.

Eric trump made these CNN hack losers look like the complete fools they truly are!

OK we now know the name of the stupid bitch CNN commentator – Her name is Dana Bash, and she is one of the most disgusting people we have ever seen on TV!

Dana Bash is one of the most disgusting people we have ever seen on TV!

Dana Bash is one of the most disgusting people we have ever seen on TV!

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