BBC interviewing Elon Musk was great! The interviewer asked Elon about the supposed “rise in misinformation and hate speech” on X (Twitter) after Elon Musk purchased the company, and Musk made him look like the completely brainwashed idiot that he must be.
BBC: Do you think you prioritize freedom of of speech over misinformation and hate speech?
Musk: Well, you know.. who’s to say that something is misinformation? Who’s the arbitor of that? Is it the BBC?
BBC: Well no, you are the Arbiter on Twitter because you own Twitter.
Musk: Yes, I’m saying who is to say that one person’s misinformation is another person’s information?
BBC: You accept that misinformation can be dangerous; that it can cause real world harms; that it can potentially cause..?
Musk: Um yeah, so the point I’m trying to make is that the BBC itself has at times published things that are false. Do you agree that that has occurred?
BBC: I I I I I’m quite sure the BBC have said things before that turn out to not be true in it’s, whatever it is, 100 Year history. I’m quite sure. Yes.
Musk: Even if you aspire to be accurate, there are times when you you will not be.
BBC: We’ve spoken to people very recently who were involved in moderation, and they just say there’s not enough people to police this stuff. Particularly around um particularly around hate speech.. um in the company.
Musk: What hate speech are you talking about? I mean, you use Twitter. Right? Do you see a rise in hate speech? I mean just a personal anecdote like what.. I don’t.
BBC: Personally, my uh “For You” I would see.. I get more of that kind of content. Yeah, personally.. but I’m not going to talk to the rest of.. for the rest of Twitter.
Musk: You see more hate speech, personally?
BBC: I would say I would see more hateful content in that in that..
Musk: Content you don’t like, or hateful? What do you mean? Describe a hateful thing..
BBC: Yeah, I mean, you know.. just content that will solicit a reaction. Something that may include something that is slightly racist or slightly sexist. Those kinds of.. those kinds of
Musk: So, you think if something is slightly sexist it should be banned? Is that what you’re saying?
BBC: I.. no.. I’m not saying anything. I’m saying..
Musk: I’m just curious. I’m trying to understand what you mean by hateful content. I’m asking for specific examples, and if.. And you just said that if something is slightly sexist that’s hateful content. Does that mean that it should be banned?
BBC: Well, you’ve asked me whether my feed.. whether it’s got less or more. I’d say it’s got slightly more.
Musk: That’s why I’m asking for examples. Can you name one example?
BBC: I.. I honestly don’t need. honestly I..
Musk: You can’t name a single example?
BBC: I’ll tell you why. Because I don’t actually use that “For You” feed anymore because I.. I just don’t particularly like it. Actually a lot of people.. a lot of people are quite similar. I.. I.. I only..
Musk: Hang on second. You said you’ve seen more hateful content, but you can’t name a single example? Not even one?
BBC: I’m not sure I’ve used that feed for the last three or four weeks and I..
Musk: Then how did you see the hatful content?
BBC: Because I’ve been.. I’ve been using Twitter since you’ve taken over for the last six months.
Musk: OK, so then you must have, at some point, seen that “For You” hateful content. I’m asking for one example.
BBC: Right
Musk: You can’t give give a single one.
BBC: and I’m saying …
Musk: Then I say, sir, that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
BBC: Really?
Musk: Yes, because you can’t give me a single example of hateful content – not even one tweet – and yet you claimed that the hateful content was high. That’s
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