Disney Re-Hires NAMBLA ‘Pedophile’ Loser Director James Gunn to Make Movies for Kids

Disney has re-hired the sicko NAMBLA loser (and probable pedophile) James Gunn, who thinks that child rape is funny, after firing him a few months ago after his sexual feelings about kids and child rape came to light.

Disney Re-Hires NAMBLA 'Pedophile' Loser Director James Gunn to Make Movies for Kids

Disney Re-Hires NAMBLA ‘Pedophile’ Loser Director James Gunn to Make Movies for Kids

This is even after the shit hit the fan when ABC / Disney hired convicted child molester Brian Peck to work on a children’s TV show.

“I remember my first NAMBLA meeting. It was the first time I felt ok being who I am. Some of those guys are still my BFFs.” Disney’s Re-Hired Sicko James Gunn

N.A.M.B.L.A. stands for the North American Man Boy Love Association, and is made up of sick-ass old men who like having sex with young underage boys – and apparently Disney’s James Gunn is a member of the child abuse organization.

Personally, I will never again allow any Disney movies made after 2006 to be shown in my household, and I recommend that all other people concerned with the direction of Disney should do the same. Otherwise, you stand the chance of exposing your impressionable kids to the pet topics that the Democrats now support – including some of the most disgusting and wrong deviants on the face of the Earth.

Just a reminder, in case you forgot, the guy that Disney fired awhile back, James Gunn, thinks baby rape is funny. If he worked for Adult Swim or some other adult film company, I probably wouldn’t care. But James Gunn is now back in charge of making movies for children. You know, the ones he thinks are hysterical to rape.

These are just a few of the tweets that got Gunn into trouble in the first place. There are thousands more, all pointing to the fact that this guy has a serious problem. Is this a joke? “I remember my first NAMBLA meeting. It was the first time I felt ok being who I am. Some of those guys are still my BFFs.” That sure doesn’t sound like a joke. Did you laugh?

But Disney has a lot of these types of problems. Remember when they hired a convicted pedophile to work on a kids’ show?

But don’t worry, everyone! Roseanne Barr is still fired, so you can sleep well! I know the critics of people upset about Gunn’s rehire are claiming that free speech shouldn’t be punished. Is that what this is? Because it sure seems like obscenity to me. Maybe it’s funny to dark comedians somewhere, but for a Disney director? Really?

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