A disgusting British tub of goo bitchbag bull-dyke, Jemma Beale, has finally been convicted after falsely accusing at least 15 innocent men, in only three years, of sexual assault and rape.

Disgustingly Fat British Tub of Goo Bull-Dyke Jemma Beale Convicted After At Least 15 Fake Rape Hoaxes For Money
One of the innocent men nasty lying bull-dyke Jemma Beale falsely accused of rape was actually convicted and forced to spend about 7 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, and another fled the country with his life completely ruined due to the false accusations.
The stupid fat bitch even used self-inflicted cuts and bruises to frame her 15 victims.
“Her manipulation of the criminal justice system has caused police to direct significant amounts of resource into investigating her bogus complaints as well as her own offending. She has also significantly impacted on the NHS as a result of her complaints and used up many other limited resources that are relied upon by genuine survivors. Not only that, but she then went on to give false testimony at court, which resulted in the wrongful conviction and imprisonment of a completely innocent man.” – Detective Sergeant Kevin Lynott
Are the British police complete fucking morons? I mean come on!!! Who in their right mind would believe that any man would want to have sex with such a disgusting fatass bull-dyke, like Jemma Beale??
And anyone who would actually believe the 3rd, 4th, 5th, false rape accusation from such a disgusting thing are not police officers, they are clowns.
It takes a special kind of stupid worthless bitchbag to falsely accuse 15 innocent men of sexual assault and rape, for a little bit of money, knowing that the people she accused would have their lives ruined and could spend many years in prison.
It’s pretty sad actually.. because let’s face it… a rape hoax fantasy is the closest thing that this disgusting tub of goo will ever come to having a man’s penis inside her.
Disgusting hogs like Jemma Beale should either spend their lives in a pen, or taken out back and shot, and made into bacon.
A British woman was convicted last week on four counts of perjury after investigators found that she had falsely accused 15 men of sexual assault and rape. One of her accusations led to a man spending years behind bars.
According to the U.K. Sun, Jemma Beale, 25 was exposed as a serial liar in court in England.
“You have been convicted of all of these matters. They are very serious indeed, counts one to four most particularly,” Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith stated during sentencing.
It turns out however, that he was only one of the victims of her lies. While Cassim was serving time for a crime he did not commit, Beale continued to report sexual assault and rape — accusing 14 other men of attacking her.
According to The Sun, In 2012 Beale claimed she was gang-raped by four men in Hounslow, West London. However, surveillance footage of the night in question showed Beale walking home alone, and investigation revealed that her injuries were self-inflicted. Later in 2013, she claimed that two men sexually assaulted her outside of her home in New Addlestone, Surrey.
She then collected another cash settlement.
About three months after the “attack” outside her home, she claimed she was gang-raped again, and two of the men she named were arrested.
After investigators became suspicious of her repeated accusations, they arrested her in 2016 and she was charged with four counts of perjury and four counts of perverting the course of justice. Her trial lasted several weeks and she was convicted on all charges according to The Independent.
When the news came to light that there were doubts over Beale’s accusations, a former live-in partner of Beale’s came forward to claim that she knew the rape claim against Cassim was fabricated.
The friend, Anuska Pritchard, said that Beale had boasted about making up the claim against Cassim to get a financial reward. “I felt totally disgusted. I had nursed Jemma through her ‘ordeal’ and it had all been a lie,” she told the Independent.
Cassim was eventually released from prison after serving several years behind bars.
Detective Sgt. Kevin Lynott, who led the investigation into Beale’s allegations stated, “Beale has been exposed as a serial liar and I can only think that she was motivated partly by financial reward, but mainly the attention and control over her partners and family at the time she made the allegations.”
Read more: http://conservativetribune.com/woman-false-rape-accusation/
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