Disgusting Dumb Fucks Running Austrian Magazine Print Edition With HIV Tainted Blood In Ink

FUCKING DISGUSTING!!!! Austrian magazine Vangardist is printing one of their magazines with AIDS blood in the ink.

Disgusting Dumb Fucks Running Austrian Magazine Print Edition With HIV Tainted Blood In Ink

Disgusting Dumb Fucks Running Austrian Magazine Print Edition With HIV Tainted Blood In Ink

Who the hell would think it is a good idea to print a magazine with ink infused with HIV-positive blood? That has to be one of the most disgusting and stupid things I have ever heard of!

Another question is, who in their right mind, other than some gay dud who already had the AIDS virus, would go and purchase a magazine filled with gay blood that is tainted with a deadly virus?

I know, they say that the AIDS blood came from a gay male, a straight male, and a mother, but all HIV is initially caused by gay sex, or sex with apes, so as far as I’m concerned, it is all “AIDS tainted gay blood”. The straight male and the mother either were drug abusers, or somehow came in contact with infected blood, but the cause is still gay sex.

I’m just glad that this is over in Austria, even though there are plenty of jackasses in the Gay community here in the United States who would love this type of pro-gay crap.

I just puked a little..

A recent issue of a “progressive men’s magazine” was printed using the blood of HIV-positive people in hopes of countering the stigma against the disease.

The Austrian magazine Vangardist printed 3,000 special edition copies of its magazine using ink infused with HIV-positive blood. The blood came from three HIV-positive individuals: a gay male, a straight male, and a mother. The “#HIVHEROES” issue of the magazine includes interviews with the individuals who donated the blood as well as people who are fighting to end the stigma against HIV.

The magazine assures handling the copies made with blood are “100% safe” and that the disease is not transmissible through the ink.

Despite maintaining the copies are safe, the issues are reportedly packaged in a plastic bag for legal reasons. According to CBS News, the seal also allegedly contains a disclaimer, stating that buyers waive any right to claim damages in relation to the campaign against Vangardist or Saatchi & Saatchi, the advertising agency that helped the magazine with “#HIVHEROES.”

The magazine is using the plastic packaging to encourage readers to “break the seal and help break the stigma.”

“With this unique project, we want to create a response in a heartbeat by transforming the media into the very root of the stigma itself — by printing every word, line, picture and page of the magazine with blood from HIV+ people. By holding the issue, readers are immediately breaking the taboo,” Jason Romeyko, the executive creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi Switzerland, revealed in a press release.

The magazine encourages readers to “reignite the conversation about HIV — free from taboo and discrimination” since “HIV doesn’t make the news anymore.”

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