Putrid Democrat Texas state Rep. super-spreader fleabagger Donna Howard is a two-faced hypocrite, who just flew on a plane of other democrats ducking their responsibilities for our government, and started a China Virus super-spreader event in Washington DC that has now even infected people in the White House, but is now being rightfully attacked for her new stance calling for “universal mask-wearing”.

Disgusting Democrat TX Rep. Donna Howard Proposes “Universal Mask Wearing” After Fleabagger Super-Spreader Dereliction
Isn’t this you? https://t.co/23nhZnbqUN pic.twitter.com/t3s9LPrStW
— Kassy Dillon (@KassyDillon) July 21, 2021
Come to think of it, we haven’t heard from the dynamic duo (senile fake president Biden and fake vice president gloryhole Harris) in the past few days. I wonder if Biden & Harris have been infected by the Texas democrat fleabaggers as well? Wouldn’t bet against it!
We won’t know because disgusting piece of shit liar White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that the fake Biden administration will not release numbers about how many people working for the administration have tested positive for the China Virus.
Anyone paying attention already knows that wearing a mask does not protect you, or anyone else from getting the China Virus, and this is just democrats wanting to exercise their ability to control the American People in any way that will allow the democrat criminals to further destroy our nation.
Face masks are “not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material.” – Dr Death Fauci
“medics have given people a “cartoonish” view of how how microscopic viruses travel through the air, and the masks have gaps in them that are up to 5000 times bigger than COVID particles”
The democrat party has quickly devolved into a roving band of dangerous criminals, who are out-of-fucking-control and need to be stopped before it’s too late!
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org