Watch the video below of Diamond and Silk testifying before the House Judiciary Committee about the illegal censorship of their Facebook page by the corrupt anti first amendment losers at Facebook, and you can see just how fucking stupid Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee really is.
The stupid, disgusting and corrupt leftist skank Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee couldn’t get it through her thick hair-hat that Diamond and Silk had not been contacted by Facebook until April 12th regarding the deactivation of their Facebook page. So when Diamond and Silk said in an interview with Laura Ingraham on April 11th that they had not yet been contacted by Facebook, then they were in fact telling the truth.
Diamond and Silk explained the timeline over and over to stupid corrupt leftist Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee, but Jackson Lee is just too fucking stupid and corrupt to put it together and figure it out.
Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee is too fucking stupid to be a member of the House of Representatives, and the people of Texas need to get rid of this disgusting mentally-challenged hack, whose hair-hat is far smarter than the skank wearing it.
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