Disgusting Corrupt Democrat Skank Nancy Pelosi Explains How Democrats Use False Accusations & Media Reports to Smear DNC Enemies

WOW!!!!!!!! Disgusting corrupt skank liar Democrat Nancy Pelosi actually came out and explained how the Democrats routinely use false accusations, pushed out to the Democrat Media Protection Arm and backed up by fake media reports about the fake accusations. Then the fake news reports are used by Democrats to make it seem that the media was already aware of the false accusations – making the Democrat’s false accusations more believable by brainless dumbfucks.

This Democrat “wrap-up smear” is the same tactics used in most Democrat political assassination attempts, and was also used by the Democrat party to try and destroy Supreme Court Justice Brent Kavanaugh, using false smears, backed up by media reports.

So now we know that any fake news reports that back up the Democrats lies are indeed fake news, designed to back-up the lies of the desperate and corrupt criminals in the Democrat party, and should never again be believed.


In June of 2017, just after Jon Ossoff’s Chernobyl-like meltdown in a Georgia special election, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi had one of her more infamous news conferences of her tenure in Democrat leadership.

The line that stuck in everyone’s craw at the time was how she dismissed rumblings among members her caucus that it was time for her to step aside and give way to new blood.

“I think I’m worth the trouble, quite frankly,” she told reporters. “I love the fray.”

Indeed she does — and, like so many Democrats (if not their poll numbers), Pelosi seems to have been invigorated by the fracas over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

And then that news conference — oh yes, that press conference — came back to haunt her again.

It wasn’t anything she said about the Kavanaugh nomination a year before it happened, mind you; Pelosi has always seemed more of a Prius driver than the owner of an atomic-powered DeLorean to these eyes. However, you perhaps may want to reconsider that when you consider just how presciently she managed to sum up the Democrat strategy on the Supreme Court nominee a year before it actually happened.

Pelosi was talking about how she said the Republicans didn’t want the “contrast” of having to tell their constituents “what their representative is going to do for their district.”

In light of the words that were to come, it’s interesting that Pelosi said this was because “they’re going to go down there to be involved in trickle-down economics, shutting down hospitals and the rest of it, so they don’t want them to see that contrast, so they focus on something else.”

What they focus on, Pelosi said, is the “wrap-up smear.”

“It’s a diversionary tactic,” Pelosi said. “It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. You demonize — we call it the wrap-up smear,” Pelosi said. “You smear somebody with falsehoods and all the rest, and then you merchandise it.

“And then you (reporters) write it, and then they’ll say ‘See? It’s reported in the press that this, this, this and this,’ so they have that validation that the press reported the smear, and then it’s called the ‘wrap-up smear.’ Now I’m going to merchandise the press’s report on the smear that we made.

“It’s a tactic. And it’s self-evident.”

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