Discredited Untrustworthy Hack Liar Chuck Todd Out At NBC – It’s About Time!

After years of lying to the American People with every one of his breaths, untrustworthy POS NBC liar Chuck Todd is out of his job at NBC. Maybe NBC wants to get back into the business of reporting real news, instead of their government propaganda and lies?

Go ahead.. get it out Todd.. Chuck Todd made a career out of lying to the American People, and shaming others for telling the truth, while claiming the truth is “misinformation” and that the government propaganda misinformation he was pushing was the “truth”. It’s opposite day.

One thing is for sute… Not one fucking person on the face of the Earth will miss Chuck Todd and his wall-to-wall government lies. I just wonder how much money Todd has taken from the Biden Administration criminals to push their lies?

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org