Dirty Cop Criminal James Comey BUSTED – ALL Comey Memos Were/Are Classified & Comey Broke Law to Leak
WOW!! Dirty cop weasel James Comey is totally fucking BUSTED, as the the acting FBI Chief FOIA Officer has signed a sworn declaration stating that ALL of Comey’s memos were classified at the time of writing, and were never declassified, which means that dirty cop James Comey broke the law by leaking his memos to the alt-left Trump-hating media.
If we had an attorney general worth a damn, with even an ounce of balls and/or backbone, Comey would be sent to prison for a very long time!
Too bad we have such a worthless pussy, like Jeff Sessions, as attorney general, who is the biggest fucking pussy on the face of the Earth, and who is most likely being blackmailed by the Democrats into not doing his job, so we aren’t holding our breaths.
How much more evidence is needed to throw corrupt dirty cop James Comey’s ass in a prison cell though?? I mean really! If Comey was a conservative he probably would have already been given the death penalty, and burned at the stake for all of his many crimes, but Comey still walks free.
The American People DEMAND that James Comey Be Held Accountable for His Crimes!!
Judicial Watch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell went on with Lou Dobbs on Thursday to discuss former fired FBI Director James Comey’s criminal activity regarding the private memos he leaked to the liberal media.
Farrell told Lou Dobbs that the acting FBI Chief FOIA Officer confirmed that ALL of James Comey’s memos were classified at the time they were written and are still classified today.
James Comey leaked the classified documents to a liberal reporter and friend to publish which is a federal crime.Chris Farrell: We have a sworn declaration from David Hardy who is the Chief FOIA Officer of the FBI that we obtained just in the last few days. And in that sworn declaration Mr. Hardy says that all of Comey’s memos, all of them, were classified at the time they were written and they remain classified.
It looks like Boy Scout Comey could be heading to prison!
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