Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America – Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America - Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Despite Murders, Riots, Acts of War against America – Obama Continues Fundraising & Campaigning

Even when all hell is breaking loose, the Obama administration continues their continually obsessive campaigning, which hasn’t stopped since Obama started his run at the presidency over 4 years ago.

Instead of doing something about the act of war committed against our country, Obama plans on reading more character assassination lies from his teleprompter, in hopes of bringing in more donations that he can use to run more advertisements – also filled with lies.

Let’s recap. Yesterday, riots broke out at American embassies in Egypt and Libya. The American ambassador and three other American officials were murdered. Their bodies were dragged through the streets to a cheering mob. This all happened on the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, with the ridiculous pretext that throngs of muslims in two different countries were simultaneously offended over a stupid film no one knew existed. In Libya, at least, the murder of our diplomatic personnel is tantamount to an act of war. Yet, for Obama, the campaign must go on.

This morning, the White House announced that Obama will continue with today’s campaign schedule. He leaves this afternoon for Vegas, to attend a fundraiser for his reelection. Those mourning the loss of their loved ones, who died in service to their country, will take little comfort in the knowledge that, as President, Obama is so committed…to his own reelection.

I realize there are less than 60 days to the election and that the race remains extraordinarily close. No campaign wants to cancel events in the final sprint of a very competitive election. But, the job of President has responsibilities that sometimes mandate that you have to suspend campaigning while the nation recovers from such a shocking attack.

It is simply unseemly to carry on with a glitzy fundraiser in Vegas, of all places, while the crisis is still unfolding and before we’ve even fully notified the families of the Americans who died. America deserves better from its leaders.

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