I laugh at these stupid hacks on TV, like Loony-Bin Alan Colmes, Goof-Ball Ed Schultz, Wack-Job Al Gore, and even No-Jobs Obama and Joe Gaff-Master Biden and Rep. Nobody-Cares Mike Doyle, who blame the Tea Party for Obama’s failure to produce a budget in 3 years, in conjunction with Obama’s out-of-control spending, which are the real reasons we are facing the precarious position of our economy.
Instead of taking blame for their fiscal failures and inability to govern, they play the blame game and blame everything and everyone under the sun, and then attack the Tea Party. These jackasses have called us terrorists, rapists, kidnappers, suicide bombers, and other completely crazy, false, and derogatory terms that they wanted the Corrupt Obama Swooning Media to latch onto, and then drum-beat into the heads of the know-nothing-mush-brains out there who believe anything they hear on these corrupt media outlets.
The truth is that IF Obama’s failed stimulus would have worked, and actually created jobs, there would have been a plenty of “revenues” flowing into the government, and there never would have been a peep from any credit rating company, and we would still have our AAA credit rating. But the reality is that Obama’s economic policy completely 100% failed. Everything they did was the wrong thing to do, including all of the “stimulus” programs, buyouts, takeovers, handouts, and heaps of wasted money chasing Obama’s made-up fantasy of “Shovel Ready Jobs”. For all of the money the Democrats wasted, they did not create many permanent jobs, and made the problem much worse by tripling our nation’s debt, with little to no economic impact. If not for the Tea Party Backlash, the downgrade we would have received would have been much worse, and maybe even catastrophic.
The action of the Tea Party Patriots are the ONLY reason why S&P didn’t downgrade us to BBB, and the Democrats know that they have to sick their Obama-Swooning Media on the Tea Party to try and discredit them. In reality, this is the last desperation gasp of a dying administration and Democrat party.
When the details of the debt crisis was first brought out, Obama wanted to pass a “clean debt ceiling increase” without ANY cuts in government spending, which would have surely tanked our credit rating down to BBB. Instead of allowing Obama to further destroy our economy, the Tea Party inspired members of our government, with the backing of the Tea Party conglomerate, saved our country from Obama and the Democrat’s inaction, and ineptitude..
It’s only going to get worse in the media for the Tea Party before it gets better, as more of the brain-dead, Obama-Swooning Media, jump on the Democrat’s call of attack. We are sure that this continued complete corruption of the media will soon backfire, worse than it already has, and these buffoons, and even their stations they work for, will either need to make a 180 and actually give Americans the truth, or they will be put out of business by the people they lie to..
I say Obama, the Democrats, and the corrupt media should go ahead and follow through with their flawed, wet behind the ears plan of attacking Tea Party Patriots, which is suicide because they are harshly denigrating millions of everyday, smart, voting Americans, and insults will only bring about a quicker house cleaning of the corrupt media, and our government, in one fell swoop!
Tea Parties to Save America!!
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org