Here is Creepy Joe Biden’s latest “deplorable” moment, where he says that 10-15% of the American People “are just not very good people”. If you do the math Biden is saying that there are 50 million Americans who he doesn’t think are good people. That’s shockingly stupid, and I foresee Biden being forced to apologize or try and explain away the blunder.
“There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there that are just not very good people” – Creepy Joe Biden
If there are 10-15% bad people out there Joe, you dumb fuck, they are all fucking America-hating Socialist democrat dumbfucks, like the crazy treasonous democrat terrorist losers currently destroying our cities, who want nothing less than bringing down our government and our nation from the inside.
CONSERVATIVES SHOULD COMPLETELY IGNORE BULLSHIT POLLS! Everyone knows that the people destroying American cities are democrats, and the crazy America-hating democrats in Congress are actually helping them – but the American People will not let them get away with it, and I predict that the 2020 election will be a landslide for conservatives, and all but wiping the treasonous democrat criminals and terrorists out of our government and country.
Seriously, if these America-hating democrat terrorists had their way, they would immediately tear up and burn the US Constitution, disband the police and military, take away all of our rights, and then we’re all fucked.
Too bad for the democrats that the good Americans have enough guns to stop that from happening.
Thank GOD for the 2nd Amendment, because we need it now!
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –