Democrats Would Rather Shut Down Government Than De-Fund #1 Murderer In World – Planned Parenthood

Republicans put together a plan to keep the government running until Dec 11th, while debating the de-funding of Planned Parenthood – the biggest baby murder mill in the world.

Democrats Would Rather Shut Down Government Than De-Fund #1 Murderer In World  - Planned Parenthood

Democrats Would Rather Shut Down Government Than De-Fund #1 Murderer In World – Planned Parenthood

No Go.. Democrats would rather shut down the government to continue funding partial birth abortions, and mutilating murdered babies in the Planned Parenthood houses of horror to steal their body parts and then offer the harvested baby body parts for sale,

Democrats are some sick motherfuckers!

But Republicans have no fucking balls though, so I already know what will happen..
The Democrats will dig in their heels, and use the corrupt liberal media to lie for them to the American People, while the pussy Republicans will cower, and then give up, allowing the full funding of baby murder by Planned Parenthood.

WATCH!! I’m almost never wrong about this shit.

The Senate blocked a GOP-authored bid Thursday to avert a government shutdown while defunding Planned Parenthood over its abortion practice, in a widely expected result that forces Republican leaders to dig in or turn to a plan B.

With regular funding bills stalled, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell asked Congress to fund federal operations through Dec. 11 to buy enough time for Congress to negotiate funding for the rest of fiscal 2016.

But he also asked the Senate to redirect $235 million from Planned Parenthood to community health centers, a response to swirling controversy over videos that appear to show organization officials negotiating the sale of organs from aborted fetuses, to be used for research.

The combined measure failed to reach the 60 votes needed to proceed, 52 votes to 47, after Democrats vowed to block any bill that defunds the women’s health organization.

The White House said President Obama would veto the measure, anyway, because it contained “highly objectionable provisions that advance a narrow ideological agenda.”

Eight Republicans joined Democrats in voting “no” on the test vote, while Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia was the sole Democrat to vote to proceed with the resolution.

Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican and 2016 presidential contender, said he could not support any bill that “continues to add to our nation’s mountain of debt.”

Funding for many basic federal operations expires Sept. 30, which is the end of fiscal year 2015, so Congress is scrambling to agree on a short-term spending measure to buy themselves time for a longterm plan.

Earlier this year, the House had passed about half of the annual spending bills but stalled over an internal Republican dispute. The Senate hasn’t passed any bills since Democrats threatened a filibuster to block all of them until Republicans agree to more spending.

“It would be much better to simply finish the appropriations process we worked so hard to advance, but if our colleagues continue to block the Senate from doing so, the Senate is left with very few options,” Mr. McConnell said. “It may be regrettable, but that’s the reality we now face.”

Mr. McConnell has vowed to avoid a government shutdown, so lawmakers on both sides of the aisle expect GOP leaders to resort to a “clean” continuing resolution, or “CR,” that funds the government while fighting the Planned Parenthood fight elsewhere.

Several rank-and-file Republicans in both chambers have warned against a repeat of the GOP’s 2013 bid to defund Obamacare, which resulted in 16-day shutdown.

But Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican and 2016 presidential contender, accused his own party of capitulating before the fight begins, failing to leverage “must-pass” spending legislation and force President Obama to blink first on the standoff.

“What the Republican Party has accomplished is passage of the Democratic agenda,” Mr. Cruz told reporters before Thursday’s test vote.

In a broadside against his own party’s leadership, he said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi are still the “de facto” leaders of Congress, even though the GOP took full control of Capitol Hill earlier this year.

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