Democrats Will Definitely Try And Assassinate President Trump Again Before The Election

The Deep State will stop at nothing to get rid of President Trump, and grow more desperate everyday with Trump’s expanding base (JFK and the Independents) and support. The Deep State (democrats and RINOS) tries smearing President Trump, and when that didn’t work, they tried putting him in prison over fake charges, when that didn’t work, they tried to kill him. Now that the first assassination attempt against President Trump failed, look for another attempt before election day.

We all know that the Iran threats are bullshit, and just round 2 of their “Russia, Russia, Russia” lies and bullshit. The are setting-up Iran to use in the future as convenient scapegoat’s for the Deep State’s crimes – like assassinating President Trump. Get ready for a few years of the democrats blaming everything on Iran. They know that their lie about Russia is dead, and will not work anymore to trick Americans, so they have re-branded their plan to use Iran instead.

They are already blaming the hacking of the Trump Campaign on the Iranians, when in fact it was far more likely done by corrupt US agencies like the FBI, CIA or NSA.

If President Trump had been killed on July 13th 2024, don’t even try ad tell me that the democrats would not have blamed Iran for the assassination, and swept the everything else under the rug, like they are still trying to do at this very second.

The Deep State doesn’t just stop after one failed attempt, if the Deep State criminals don’t get what they want the first time – they just re-tool and try again. They already have their scapegoat setup and ready to take the fall.

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