Democrats are all over these fake Blasey Ford allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, saying the normal stuff, like “She made credible claims of sexual abuse and must be heard”, or “She DESERVES to be heard and believed”, but Democrats only believe that when the accused is a conservative.
Democrats have COMPLETELY ignored self-admitted sexual assault evidence against Corey Booker, and have helped sweep violent assault allegations against Democrat Keith Ellison under the rug.
Keith Ellison
Domestic abusing deputy chair of the DNC, Keith Ellison, has been credibly accused of violently and mentally abusing x-girlfriend Karen Monahan, and Monahan has even released medical records, therapist records and police 911 records from years ago, where she names Keith Ellison as her abuser.
In the middle of 2017, I was using my moms computer trying to download something and I clicked on a file, I found over 100 text and twitters messages and video almost 2 min long that showed Keith Ellison dragging my mama off the bed by her feet, screaming and calling her a “fucking bitch” and telling her to get the fuck out of his house. – Austin Monahan
Karen Monahan has said that Democrats don’t believe her credible accusations, with supporting evidence, and that Monahan has been “smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party”
When asked “Democrats say believe women, do they believe you?”
Karen Monahan’s answer was “No, they [Democrats] don’t,” Monahan responded back. “I’ve been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party.”
Ellison apparently also showed up announced at Monahan’s residence, where he physically and mentally abused her – and had to call 911 to prevent further bodily harm.
“In May, Keith wanted to try and quiet me so he came to my home uninvited. We had words. His anger kicked in. He berated me. He grabbed me and pushed me out of the way. I was terrified. I called the police. As he fled he broke my screen door. I have never been so scared.”
Ellison now says that his x-girlfriend, who has credibly accused him of assault, is making the whole thing up.
When asked: “Are you confident that no one else will step forward with any other allegations?”
Ellison answered: “Look, in this political environment, I don’t know what somebody might cook up.”
“two credible, strong allegations of domestic abuse is enough. There’s documentary evidence. We have a medical record where we have Monahan reported to her doctor the abuse that was going on”
Corey Booker
Democrat sexual abuser Corey Booker even admitted that he sexually groped a young girl, against her will, while in high school.
“With the ‘Top Gun’ slogan ringing in my head, I slowly reached for her breast. After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my ‘mark’.” – POS Democrat Sexual Abuser Corey Booker
So, Corey Booker admits that he tried grabbing the breasts of the young girl he was with, and she tried to make him stop by pushing his hand away, but Booker didn’t care, he went ahead and grabbed her breasts anyway, even though he definitely knew that she didn’t want him to.
How many other girls did Corey Booker grope against their will?
We might take Democrats more seriously with their continual political-assassination-style accusations against conservatives when Democrats start dealing with the violent and sexual abusers in their own party that they are protecting from being held accountable for their actions.
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