Democrats Keeping Bernie Sanders Around Until They Figure Out How to Ditch Him And Steal His Supporters

It’s funny how over the past 5-6 years Bernie Sanders has successfully glommed onto the democrat party, and how the democrat party has allowed an outsider to infiltrate the democrat primary and election.

Democrats Keeping Bernie Sanders Around Until They Figure Out How to Ditch Him And Steal His Supporters

Bernie isn’t even a democrat – but he IS a piece of shit Socialist, which fits right in with the new democrat party. Bernie has no chance in hell without the backing of one of the two major political parties, and the democrats know they can’t win without Bernie’s crazy Socialist supporters.

It’s easy to see though that the only reason why the democrats keep him around is because Bernie has a lot of very stupid supporters, and the democrats want to keep Bernie in close proximity until the DNC can find a way to steal the nomination from him again while keeping Bernie’s supporters as democrat voters.

With less than two weeks until Iowa’s Feb. 3 opening caucuses, 2020 Democratic presidential candidates are running out of time to lob what many believe is the most obvious political attack against Bernie Sanders.

The Vermont senator’s hostility toward the party he’s now seeking to lead against President Trump and Republicans in the fall has barely been broached by his rivals for this year’s nomination.

For Cesar Conda, a GOP strategist at Navigators Global, Sanders’s opponents are not hitting Sanders on the issue out of self-interest.

“They eventually want his supporters,” the former Dick Cheney adviser and Marco Rubio chief of staff told the Washington Examiner.

Conda explained political observers had seen this conundrum before: in 2016 with then-candidate Trump, who had been a Democrat before running as a Republican. But Conda added that the counterpunch may not “move the needle that much, because voters in both parties are trending away from establishment labels.”

“Blasting Bernie for not being a Democrat probably helps him in the polls,” he said.

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