The Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia is a total joke! Compared to the Republican National Convention, the Democrat version is totally amateur hour.

Democratic National Convention Is Amateur Hour Joke Full of Lies, Washed Up Loser Artists, and Pissed Off Bernie Supporters
EVERYTHING, from the boring liars they have speaking, to their crappy videos, to the washed up loser “artists” (and we use that term very loosely) they have speaking and singing songs.
Take the washed-up loser Paul Simon, for example. What a total waste of time, air and space who sung “A Bridge Over Troubled Water” on stage at the Democratic National Convention.
Simon looked terrible, and sounded horrible as well! Who in their right mind would get up on stage knowing that you would have such a putrid performance?
I swear anyone could sing as well as Paul Simon; now or back in 1970 when he had fans. Just listen to him sing. He has no idea what he is singing, and has the pitch of a deaf person.
What’s even more funny is that if we are on “A Bridge Over Troubled Water” it was Obama and Hillary Clinton who put us there, and we need Donald Trump and other uncorrupted American Patriots to get us back where we need to be.
I was shocked to see the difference in the quality of the videos being played at the conventions. Trump’s videos all looked and sounded like they were made by the highest quality movie studios, while Hillary Clinton’s videos looked and sounded as though a junior high school media club put them together. Horrible videos! I could have seriously made much better quality videos using Windows Media Center.
I also find it very interesting, but not unexpected, that the Democrats didn’t even display an American Flag on their convention stage. Why? Because DEMOCRATS HATE AMERICA. That’s why.
Also, NONE of the Democrat speakers dared mention ISIS or the deadly terrorist attacks that have been spreading like wildfire due to the Democrat’s weakness, or that just about none of the speakers at the Godless Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia have said anything like “God Bless all of you” or God bless America” at the end of their speeches, as most speakers at the Republican National Convention did.
In all of the speeches I watched yesterday, I only heard one Democrat say anything about God, when at the Republican convention it was just the opposite, and the people who didn’t mention God stuck out like a sore thumb.
Typical Godless Democrat Culture of Corruption & Crime – and don’t forget the Democrat’s unwavering support of terror and terrorists.
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