Connecticut Democrat Rep. Elizabeth Esty didn’t fire her chief of staff, Tony Baker, for 3 months after learning how Baker allegedly threatened to kill a female staffer, Anna Kain, who Baker once dated, and who had accused Baker of sexual harassment and assault.

Democrat Rep. Elizabeth Esty Must Resign After Covering-Up Crimes By Her Chief of Staff Who Threatened to Kill His Victim
“She wrote [Baker] a glowing recommendation and helped him get another job after he was known to be abusive. The Democratic Party in this state needs to join me in calling for Elizabeth Esty to resign.” – RNC Connecticut state chair, J.R. Romano
Rep. Elizabeth Esty’s chief of staff left a voicemail for Anna Kain on May 5, 2016 saying “You better fucking reply to me or I will fucking kill you”, which Esty apparently knew about and probably had even heard.
Anna Kain kept a copy of the voicemail threat against her life and filed a report for felony threats and received a restraining order against Baker.
Esty not only kept and protected a man on her staff after he allegedly assaulted and sexually harassed a female staff member and threatened to kill her on tape, but Esty also wrote a glowing recommendation for the probable criminal Baker so that he might more easily find a new job, and even went as far as to give Baker a $5,000 severance payment when Baker was eventually fired 3 months later.
Baker did find a new job with “Sandy Hook Promise” and was apparently canned from that job as well.
Connecticut Democrat Rep. Elizabeth Esty needs to resign immediately, because there is little doubt that she will be thrown out anyway in the very neat future American People start that Esty is a corrupt part of the problem, and definitely not part of the solution.
Democratic Connecticut Rep. Elizabeth Esty kept her chief of staff on the job for three months after he was accused of punching and threatening to kill a female staffer, and then recommended him for his next job, according to several new reports.
Esty’s former chief of staff, Tony Baker, allegedly abused and sexually harassed the female staffer over a period of several years, culminating in a May 2016 threat to kill the female staffer, whom the Washington Post identified as Anna Kain.
“You better fucking reply to me or I will fucking kill you,” Baker said in a May 5, 2016 voicemail, a copy of which Kain provided to the Post. Esty found out about the incident within a week, but chose to keep Baker in his paid position for another three months, the Post reported. Esty admitted on Thursday that she “failed to protect” the female staffer from Baker.
Esty’s office gave Baker a $5,000 severance payment when she eventually fired him in July 2016 and she later recommended him for a position at Sandy Hook Promise, the Hartford Courant reported. Baker was dismissed from his position at the nonprofit last week, according to the Post.
The Republican Party’s Connecticut state chair, J.R. Romano, is calling on Esty to resign for keeping Baker in his position and then vouching for him.
“She wrote [Baker] a glowing recommendation and helped him get another job after he was known to be abusive,” Romano told the Courant. “The Democratic Party in this state needs to join me in calling for Elizabeth Esty to resign.”
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