Democrat ICE Facility Attacking Terrorist Willem Van Spronsen Used Media & Democrat TDS Lies & Hate To Justify Attack

Willem Van Spronsen, the radical Democrat terrorist who was killed while violently attacking an ICE facility, used the words of dumbfuck Socialist bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and other Democrats, in his manifesto to justify the violence he committed against our government – but they will probably neber be held accountable for the problems and violence that their lies have created.

Democrat ICE Facility Attacking Terrorist Willem Van Spronsen Used Media & Democrat TDS Lies & Hate To Justify Attack

Democrat ICE Facility Attacking Terrorist Willem Van Spronsen Used Media & Democrat TDS Lies & Hate To Justify Attack

Democrats always try and say that the words President Trump uses while defending himself against false attacks by stupid racist piece of shit liars in our government and the media will potentially cause violence against Trump haters – but the lies, racism and hate coming from the terrorist radicals on the left actually is causing violence against our government, and especially against conservatives.

Terrorist-loving, anti-American, Jew-hating Democrat racists in our government (and the media), like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many others, needs to be held accountable for the violence their out-of-control TDS and hate is causing.

A man who recently attacked an ICE facility, could have been inspired by the rhetoric of New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

According to the attacker’s manifesto, which was released Monday, the man repeatedly used Ocasio-Cortez’s language. He called migrant detention centers “concentration camps” at least four times and endorsed John Brown, who staged an armed attack on a U.S. federal arsenal back in 1859.

The attacker, identified in local media as 69-year-old Willem Van Spronsen, attempted to cause an explosion outside an ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington on Saturday. He was shot dead by authorities, and has since been designated as a domestic terrorist.

The man reportedly identified himself as a member of the left-wing extremist group know as Antifa. Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez has yet to condemn the attack even after being repeatedly asked for her input by the media.

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