Ha!!! Democrat former Vice President Joe Biden says that President Trump must disavow the KKK, as if the President of the United States has any connection to the KKK whatsoever – something that Joe Biden and the Democrats certainly cannot claim – even though they try. Biden even tries to compare President Trump to racist Democrat George Wallace, a racist DEMOCRAT from the 70’s.

Democrat Has-Been Joe Biden Says Trump Must Disavow KKK – Forgets Democrats Support Real KKK Members
“He does that all the time with everything … When I’ve made the point that he was coddling white supremacists and neo-Nazis, he said they are just going to see who was it? Jefferson’s — no, who was it? A general’s statue, Confederate general. Well, he must be blind and deaf because if he didn’t hear what they were saying, then I don’t understand it. Look, this is a game. This is about dividing the country. This is about dividing and raising the issue of racism across the country because that’s his base.” – Biden
I actually find all of this “Trump is racist” “Trump is a Nazi” and “Trump supports the KKK” to be laughable, when what they are accusing Trump of is a direct reflection of the Democrat party.
Democrats were the original slave masters, who gave their lives in the Civil War to keep slaves as their property, and still control the vast majority of black people today. People who support their former slave masters are brainwashed and pressured into undoing everything that their forefathers fought so hard to achieve for the gain of the Democrat party.
Democrats started the KKK after the Civil War to terrorize their former slaves – and up until just a few years ago, a known KKK member, Robert Byrd, was revered by the Democrat party as a hero, when in fact, he was a disgusting racist piece of shit Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, who the world will not miss.
Joe Biden and Robert Byrd look an awful lot alike, don’t they?
Democrats are the party that have open Jew haters, like Ilhan “Holocaust Denier” Omar and Rashida “Taliban” Tlaib as sitting representatives, who would gladly finish Hitler’s task and kill all of the Jews, if they had an opportunity.
Democrats want to endlessly investigate and impeach the President of the United States for crimes that the Democrats themselves committed, and continue to commit, and for which the President is completely innocent.
Democrats attack the President of the United States as a sexual abuser due to one stupid remark and some false allegations, when in reality it is the Democrats who have been caught up in most of the sex scandals, and many of the worst offenders (Weinstein, Epstein, Spacey, Clinton) are the most powerful and politically radical leftist Democrat supporters in the world.
Democrats love accusing Republicans of being another George Wallace, but Joe Biden has bragged about his connections with George Wallace, and apparently received an award from Wallace back in 1973 – during the worst racial era in America – cause by Democrats, like Joe Biden.
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