Maya Rockeymoore, the wife of corrupt Democrat criminal douchebag Elijah Cummings is refusing to hand over documents that will show the crimes of herself and Rep. Cummings in a huge multi-million dollar pay to play scandal that should cause Rep Cummings to be removed from Congress.

Democrat Criminals Elijah Cummings & Wife Maya Rockeymoore Refusing to Hand Over Documents in Pay-to-Play Crimes
Nobody should be surprised when Democrat criminals Elijah Cummings and his wife Maya Rockeymoore get arrested for their corrupt and illegal handling of their nonptofit organization. Elijah Cummings need to stop interfering in the investigation of his crimes though, that is for sure!
Most Democrats are piece of shit criminals who are gaming the system in one way or another – the vast majority of Democrats are tax criminals, and pretty much all of the Democrats use their positions in Congress as piggy banks to fill their pockets, and the pockets of everyone around them, with ill-gotten gains stolen from the American People, or bilked from companies with the promise of special treatment.
This is why lifetime government employee Democrats in Congress are filthy rich – They use all kinds of illegal tricks of the criminal.
Most (if not all) Democrats cheat on their taxes or don’t pay any taxes at all – engage in insider trading that would put the rest of us in prison for a long time – and Democrat criminals even routinely sell access to their offices for kickbacks and bribes.
Then they use the power of the Democrat party and their Fake News Media Wing to cover up their crimes – and with the only news network telling the American People the truth is FOX, it’s hard for the American People to know what is real.
Elijah Cummings and Maya Rockeymoore pay-to-play scheme needs to be fully investigated, and both of these worthless dumb-fucks should be indicted for their crimes!
Congressman Elijah Cummings’ wife is breaking the law by refusing to hand over documents on her nonprofit, a lawyer said.
Cummings’ wife Maya Rockeymoore is breaking the law by not handing over requested records on her nonprofit, a legal expert told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Last week it was first reported by the Washington Examiner that a charity run by Maya Rockeymoore, the wife of Rep. Elijah Cummings, received millions from special interest groups and corporations that had business before her husband’s committee.
Democrat Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee was in very poor financial condition and heavily in debt due to unpaid child support to three women he had children with — until the last 10 years or so after he married his young, politically connected wife, Maya Rockeymoore.
At least three different groups have requested records from Maya Rockeymoore and she is refusing to hand over the documents, even though the law requires it, via the Daily Caller:
“Wow. That’s illegal,” Sally Wagenmaker, a Chicago attorney who specializes in nonprofit tax law, told TheDCNF. “It’s interesting and sad. You have the right to get them. The organization absolutely is required to provide the information, so to not do so would appear to be flaunting the law.”
“As a family member of an elected official, we’d expect high-road, integrity and compliance. If anyone should be responding promptly, it should be her. He should be above approach.”
“One of the policy reasons for disclosure is to be able to to illuminate conflict of interest, and the media’s role is to help illuminate that: is she trying to hide information, is she being secretive, does she think she’s above the law? And one of the ways that happens is through the required disclosure of 990s,” Wagenmaker said.
Tom Anderson, an investigator with the conservative leaning NPLC told the Daily Caller that his group called Maya Rockeymoore and she refused to engage, repeatedly asking, “And how can I help you?”
“We called the phone number for the nonprofit and she answered it like her personal cell. Then every time we asked a question, she just kept repeating ‘And how can I help you?’ And then finally hung up. It was so creepy.
“We pointed out that it was required by law, and her response was ‘And how can I help you?’ It was so weird.”
“It’s against the law. You have to hand those over. We’re a 501(c)(3) and if George Soros or a 10-year old kid requested our 990, we’d have to hand it over on the spot. The idea that she thinks she doesn’t have to is outrageous.”
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