Delusional Republican Pussy Lindsey Graham Says He’s Running For President – Sure to Lose His Ass

Lindsey Graham is one of the weakest pussies on the Republican side of the isle in Congress, and yet he thinks he has a chance to be elected President of the United States?

Delusional Republican Pussy Lindsey Graham Says He's Running For President - Sure to Lose His Ass

Delusional Republican Pussy Lindsey Graham Says He’s Running For President – Sure to Lose His Ass

Ha Ha Ha!!! That is a good one, but there s absolutely no way in hell that Lindsey Graham will EVER be elected President. We need a real president, with balls, who will be able to fix a lot of serious problems caused by the ultra corrupt Obama administration.

So, Lindsey Graham can either save a shitload of money by dropping out of the presidential race, or he can continue his bid for the White House, have his ass handed to him by the next weakest Republican candidate, and flush $ millions down the toilet at the same time.

Personally, hope he stays in the race and has to fund it from his own pocket, which I don’t see someone as nutless as Lindsey Graham paying for his own campaign.

Go lay down somewhere and take your medication Mr. Graham, because you are obviously not as smart as you lead people to believe, and don’t have the nuts to stand up to the liberals who continue working everyday to destroy our nation from the inside.

Asked to confirm that he is running for president while appearing on CBS This Morning, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham refused to answer, instead inviting the show’s hosts to come to his home state on June 1 for an announcement.

Despite the initial refusal, Graham let the cat out of the bag in a response to a follow-up question from Charlie Rose.

“Are you running in part because you look at the field and you don’t think they’re very sophisticated on foreign policy, and you believe that that’s the one thing you bring to the rest,” Rose asked.

Graham, having just declined to formally announce, fell for the question, saying, “I’m running because I think the world is falling apart”:

GRAHAM: That’s a really good question. I’ve got the best job in the world, as senator from South Carolina. I’ve got a very comfortable life. I’m running because of what you see on television. I’m running because I think the world is falling apart. I’ve been more right than wrong on foreign policy. It’s not the fault of others or their lack of this or that that makes me want to run. It’s my ability in my own mind to be a good commander in chief and make Washington work. The reason I’ve had six primary opponents in my last election is because I’ve been accused of working with Democrats too much. In my view, Democrats and Republicans work together too little, and I would try to change that if I got to be president. And when it came to radical Islam, I would go after them before they came back here again.

Graham joins Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee and a host of other would-be candidates seeking the Republican nomination.

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