Delusional Idiot Whoopi Goldberg Claims She Is Qualified To Be President of the United States – Then Wakes Up

Disgusting troll Whoopi Goldberg is pretty fucking stupid, and usually wrong just about every time she opens her mouth. Especially when she says that she is more qualified to be President of the United States than President-Elect Donald J. Trump. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Whoopi obviously thinks highly of herself, but other than a hand-full of disgusting feminazi losers, the American People don’t like Whoopi at all, and The View is failing badly, and will continue to dive into the toilet as long as they have such a fucking idiot like Whoopi Goldberg leading, or even on the show.

One thing is for certain, never in a billion years could Whoopi ever be elected to be President, or even be a real candidate for the Democrat nomination – no matter what delusions fly around in Whoopi’s head, or what diarrhea spews from her mouth.

On Monday’s episode of The View, co-host Whoopi Goldberg said she’s more informed and capable of being President of the United States than current President-elect Donald Trump.

“Here’s the difference, when I speak, at least you know that I’ve actually looked stuff up, so people think that I might be more aware,” Goldberg said. “People know that I’ve had a wide variety of lives, so they think I might know some stuff.”

Trump, Goldberg says, is a man that “doesn’t seem to do the homework, who doesn’t seem to have any idea how things actually run.”

“When you bring up Hillary, I can only think to myself she may not have been the best candidate for people, but I know she knew what she was doing,” Goldberg said of the former Democratic presidential nominee.

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