Crooked Lyin’ Hillary Clinton is sick as a dog! Hillary can’t speak for 5 minutes without having an uncontrollable coughing fit, and now she wants to hide her coughing from the public.
Watch Hillary Clinton end her comments early and duck behind a column of the building to start her coughing fit.
You know that Hillary’s horrible failing health and uncontrollable cough are HUGE problems for the Clinton campaign when she starts trying to hide it.
Hillary eriously looks like death warmed over, and seems like she seriously might collapse at any second.
A listless, tired looking Clinton had been speaking and taking questions for about fourteen minutes when she first ended her press conference but came right back to the microphone to answer a shouted question about her rival Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaking to Larry King on King’s show that is on Russian owned RT.
Clinton spoke for another two minutes then abruptly cut herself off, turned and walked away, curtly saying to the press as she turned her back on them, “Thank you all.”
As soon as Clinton was behind the pillar immediately stage right a loud double cough could be heard. As Clinton stepped past the pillar her closed right hand could be seen coming down from her face, as one does when coughing.
It would appear that reports focusing attention on Clinton’s coughing fits on the campaign trail have rattled her so that she feels the need to not be seen coughing on camera.
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