Ever since the Florida School shooting we’ve said that we wouldn’t be doing any stories on the brainless and brainwashed loser David Hogg, or the anti-2nd-amendment and anti-constitution agenda that he has been sucked into, but we can’t hold back any longer.

David Hogg Says His Anti-Constitution Attacks Are “Changing the World” – But Not As Much As He Thinks & Not For the Better
The corrupt fake news libtard talking heads call Hogg a “Parkland Shooting Survivor”, when he is really just an opportunistic dickhead, stepping on the bodies of his dead classmates for personal gain, and use the tragedy as a springboard towards a career on CNN or another fake news outlet.
Hogg has subscribed to the Alinsky-Democrat practice to “Never let a good crisis go to waste”.
Hogg also says that “we’re already changing the world”, but change isn’t always positive, and the change that Hogg is pushing for is an attack on the constitution. Hitler and the Nazis “changed the world” also.. and attacking the US Constitution is the start of the new Nazi movement.
The reality is that all of the attacking of the NRA, the Constitution and conservatives is having teh opposite effect than what the anti-gun nutjobs actually wanted or intended.
I fact the NRA has seen an explosion in donations, new memberships and overall support since these brainwashed kids started being controlled by the Democrats and trotted out everyday before the fake news cameras.
Shockingly, even California colleges don’t even want the mini Eichman on their campuses, and Hogg has been rejected by four University of California campuses — UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine. Hogg attacked Laura Ingraham’s advertisers after Ingraham dared to point out that no colleges want Hogg on their campuses.
Soon, once the brainwashed kids usefulness to the Democrats has ended, these brainwashed idiots will realize that they had been used all along, and then thrown away like unwanted trash.
As Parkland gun control activists and their surrogates mock the idea of arming teachers, march for gun bans in D.C., and call for new gun controls via Twitter, they risk driving Americans toward the Second Amendment instead of away from it.
They run this risk via their in-your-face gun control hubris, especially when that hubris is directed toward docile actors.For example, on Monday Rep. Steve King (R-IA) addressed Parkland students who want to raise the minimum age for gun purchases by asking, “If you are a teenager & believe you won’t be responsible enough to own a gun until 21, why should you vote before 21?” That is a reasonable question when one considers that voting and owning guns are both constitutional rights. Yet the responses to his question varied between things too vulgar to print and pronouncements that his political career is over–that he is a pawn of the NRA and is going to be voted out office.
Or consider David Hogg, one of the most frequent spokesmen for Parkland gun control activists. He put out a PSA one week before the student march for gun control and asked, “What if our politicians weren’t the bitch of the NRA?” And it is not just the way he talks about the NRA, although that runs the risk of motivating the group’s five million-plus members to show up and vote. It is also the way he appears to set himself apart from other Americans in general.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org