I find it amusing as hell that Andrew Cuomo, and his little brother Fredo, are going through hell right now. They both definitely deserve it, and Chris probably still has a lot to come for lying to the American People on a daily basis for many years, and helping prevent his corrupt brother Andrew from being held accountable for his crimes, but what I, and most other people I’ve talked to find utterly fucking disgusting is that Andrew Cuomo is now being run out of office on fake sexual harassment charges, when Cuomo should have been run out of office, and ultimately into a prison cell, for the Cuomo Nursing Home Massacre.

“No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.”

Andrew Cuomo pretty much single-handedly murdered thousands upon thousands of Grandmothers and Grandfathers with his crazy official policies for handling the China Virus, which ordered nursing homes to accept China Virus patients who had been discharged from hospitals, and even prevented the nursing homes from testing people before admitting them.

Many other people get it, just not the corrupt democrats (and around 19 fake-ass republicans) currently doing all they can to destroy our country. Even Rod Blagojevich is calling out the Cuomo Nursing Home Massacre.

Nursing homes at the point where Cuomo made the terrible policy nursing homes were locked-down, so once someone was admitted and allowed inside, they were stuck, and alone, with little to no contact from friends or family. So, Andrew Cuomo knowingly forced nursing homes to allow the China Virus to quickly spread throughout all other patients at each nursing home facility, killing many thousands. Last account I heard Andrew Cuomo is responsible for the deaths of around 20,000 elderly people that died, pretty much alone, while basically a prisoner inside these locked-down nursing homes.

But instead of being held accountable for the murder of thousands, Cuomo is busted for stupid bullshit like kissing someone on the cheek, or putting his hand on a girl’s waist while taking a picture. It’s all just another democrat smear attempt. The democrats didn’t want to use the many thousands of deaths as a weapon to get rid of Cuomo, because it would blow back on the rest of the party.

Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy –