Credible new reports are coming out which say corrupt piece of shit loser, and disgraced former FBI director James Comey may have already received a secret sweetheart immunity deal from his corrupt libtard Special Counsel friend Robert Mueller, so that he cannot be indicted for his crimes.
![Criminal POS Comey May Have Received Secret Immunity Deal From Corrupt Special Counsel Friend Robert Mueller](
Criminal POS Comey May Have Received Secret Immunity Deal From Corrupt Special Counsel Friend Robert Mueller
There is no reason to doubt the reports of Comey’s immunity deal, and with the corruption that has completely taken over the Democrat party, I believe it to be 100% true.
The Democrats are one slip-up away from the entire party being indicted for various crimes, and they for sure will never allow their butt buddy James Comey to go to prison, seeing how much Comey has done to protect the many criminals in the Democrat party.
The way that these two corrupt fucks are protecting each other, they probably suck each other off every night.
A high-ranking Justice Department official believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller has granted a complete get-out-of-jail-free-card deal for disgraced FBI Director James Comey: A coveted immunity deal in exchange for cooperating as a key witness.
“The immunity is a done deal,” a Justice Department source said. “Mueller can do whatever he wants. We (Justice) have no say but after many years working criminal cases I know Comey has been given immunity. You can tell by the way he is acting now and the fact that Mueller has kept us in the dark about his investigation.”
Special Counsel spokesman Peter Carr at Justice would not comment when asked to detail the immunity arrangement between Comey and Mueller.
“As this is an ongoing investigation, we will decline to comment,” Carr told True Pundit.
As Special Counsel, by law Mueller is permitted to strike immunity agreements without having to get approval for the Attorney General of anyone at Justice. Also he is not obligated as Special Counsel to inform Justice about who is under immunity.
It’s no secret Comey and Mueller are close friends, having worked together at Justice for years alongside Eric Holder. Comey has described Mueller, who also served as FBI director, as his one-time mentor. If someone in Congress cared enough to do something about it, there are no shortages of conflicts of interests at play here in what is supposed to be an impartial investigation. In fact, it’s somewhat staggering.
But what are friends for? Folks outside of D.C. are getting another unwelcome crash course into corruption.
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