Creepy Old Man Groper Vice President Joe Biden Misses His “Old Butt Buddy”

It’s funny – Joe Biden always thinks he is being charming when he gropes someone, or whispers into underage girls’ ears, but usually Biden is just being the creepy old man we we see in the news.

Joe Biden is like the weird uncle that you won’t let your kids be alone with, for fear that he will try and whisper sweet nothings to them that nobody else can hear, or that he might get handsy with them, as we have seen him do to others.

Now Vice President Joe Biden is calling out to his “old butt buddy” Neil Smith, while in the middle of a speech, saying: “And Neil Smith, an old butt buddy. Are you here, Neal? Neal, I miss you man. I miss you.” – Creepy Joe Biden

The Biden creepy factor just went up a few notches, that’s for sure.

Lets watch creepy Biden try and whisper sweet nothings in a Senator’s Daughter’s ear, and watch her sense the Biden creep factor and pull away.

Speaking today in Iowa, Vice President Joe Biden called out to his “old butt buddy” Neil Smith, wondering whether his friend was in attendance for his speech:

“Neal Smith,” Biden said, “an old butt buddy. Are you here, Neal? Neal, I miss you man. I miss you.”

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