Creepy Feeble Senile Groper Joe Biden Would Be Dangerous Puppet On String For America Hating Communists

Biden Puppet on a String for America Haters

Creepy febble senile groper Joe Biden often has no fucking clue where he is or what he is doing, and that makes Biden the perfect candidate for the leftists and Communists in the democrat party who can’t win a real election, so they have to take over a host body that is near-death, still warm, but just barely, and malleable to their every anti-American whim – like “defunding the police”. Dumbfucks!

If Biden (or any democrat at this point) was to be elected President of the United States in 2020 (GOD forbid!) that would be the end of America! And this is not an exaggeration at all! the democrats want to destroy America from the inside and re-make it as a Communist nation in their liking and image, as worthless, weak-ass pussies and losers.

Seriously, you would have homeless people every-fucking-ware, and that is no joke. Go to ANY democrat-run city, and you will see homeless encampments growing by the day, with full support of some leftist groups giving brand new tents, food, couches, grills, and anything else they can use to camp out in the middle of these large democrat-run cities like LA, NY, Chicago, Seattle, and many other democrat-run cities.

I’d like someone to try and tell me it’s not a hazard to have people under a major highway starting fires, shitting and pissing on the sidewalks, or literally walking out in the road and forcing moving traffic to stop in order to ask for money. If anything, it will quickly and permanently kill any tourism that those areas once enjoyed.

Also, there is no way in hell that Joe Biden will get on a stage with Donald Trump for a debate because Biden and his Communist handlers know for a fact that Biden would come off looking like the feeble, washed-up creepy old man that he is, and it will be very apparent that Biden doesn’t have the mental capacity to be a competent burger flipper, let alone President of the United States.

No, Biden will either setup some very unfair alternative to a real debate, where the cards are stacked even more than usual against President Trump, or Biden will skip the debates all together. Personally, I think Biden will skip the debates because he knows that he is a bumbling idiot, who can’t even stick to or read from a script anymore, so he’s completely fucked if he has to speak in public.

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