Corrupt Piece of Shit Racist Criminal Charlie Rangel Says Calling Tea Party Patriots “White Crackers” Is Term of Endearment

The tax evading racist piece of shit criminal, Charlie Rangel, who was also censured by Congress for his corruption, compares the Tea Party Patriots to racist Democrats in the old South, who fought, and still fight to this day to keep black people as slaves, and says that calling white people “white crackers” is a term of endearment.

Corrupt Piece of Shit Racist Criminal Charlie Rangel Says Calling Tea Party Patriots "White Crackers" Is Term of Endearment

Corrupt Piece of Shit Racist Criminal Charlie Rangel Says Calling Tea Party Patriots “White Crackers” Is Term of Endearment

Either Charlie Rangel has less backbone and smarts than a bowl or wet oatmeal, or he is a liar. Personally, I feel it is both.

If Charlie Rangel wasn’t so obviously a corrupt criminal, his complete stupidity would almost be comical.

The Democrat’s lie of racist conservatives definitely is laughable though, especially when any true history book will show that it was the Democrats who fought for the Confederates in order to keep blacks in chains as slaves, and it was also Democrats who started the Ku Klux Klan, and it was Democrats who used the KKK to go around terrorizing and killing black people on a whim, and usually for fun.

The Black Community will eventually pull their heads out of their asses to see history of the racist Democrat party blacks blindly support. They will also see that the racist NAACP doesn’t really care about black people. The NAACP only cares about black Democrats, and even then the NAACP’s entire game plan is to keep black people as Democrat slaves.

The NAACP has actually done absolutely nothing for black people in the past 50 years, and the Democrat lies about racism and conservatives will eventually go the same way as the liberal lie of a conservative “war on women”, which is straight down the toilet, where the Democrat lies belong.

Go to Google and do a search on Charlie Rangel Corruption, Rangel Crimes, Rangel Criminal, Rangel Tax Evasion, and you will learn a lot of very ugly information about the criminal Charlie Rangel, and how he has used his time in office to enrich himself, while doing nothing at all for the black community.

Mr. Rangel was first confronted with his 2013 statement, when he likened the tea party to the “same group we faced in the South, with the white crackers, the dogs and the police,” the video showed.

He then responded: “I thought that was a term of endearment. They’re so proud of their heritage and all the things they believe [the tea party] … I can tell you this. With all of the feelings I have against these people who have been against justice, fair play, equality, and the freedoms as we know it, if I offended them by calling them a white cracker, for that I apologize. For the rest of it, there’s a lot that has to be done here,” he said, on the video.

Mr. Rangel then dug in to his stance a bit more, seeming to suggest that those who criticized his reference to the tea party as a grouping of white crackers were out of line — and also seeming to suggest that tea party members were of the same ilk as terrorists.

“With the names I’ve been called, I’ve never really put cracker in that category. I certainly would like to have dinner with some of the people who were offended,” he said, on the video.

“This shows how ridiculous this is: a guy … in Congress calls mean-spirited people that bomb and kill people, set dogs on them, lynch people, and still refuse to believe that we’re suffering the pain from this — they can say that guy makes a lot of sense but he had no business calling us a white cracker. Like I said, if I had thought that that would have made a difference in terms of their beliefs, believe me, I would have taken that away, crumbled it, thrown it away.”

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