Ultra corrupt piece of shit liar Robert Mueller, who suffers from debilitating Trump Derangement Syndrome, lied multiple times in his first public comments since starting his coup-supporting sham “investigation” of President Trump.

Corrupt Piece of Shit TDS Inflicted Dumb Fuck Loser Robert Mueller Lied to America in Public Comments
Dumbfuck Mueller claims that he would have exonerated President Trump if he could have, but that is total bullshit. Mueller was a prosecutor, and prosecutors don’t exonerate people – they indict people.
“If we had confidence the president DID NOT commit a crime we would have said so. We did not however make a determination if the president did commit a crime.” – Corrupt Leftist Dumbfuck Robert Mueller
Only dumb-ass brainwashed TDS inflicted leftists would believe the lies of corrupt douchebag liar Robert Mueller.
At least piece of shit dumb-fuck liar Robert Mueller is retiring – unfortunately a few years too late for the good of America.
Mueller SHOULD HAVE retired as soon as he knew that the sham “investigation” was started using lies to the FISA Court regarding the use of false Russian propaganda, purchased and used/abused by the DNC/FBI/DOJ in the Democrat’s failed coup attempt to illegally remove a US President from office.
Fred Tecce: Quite frankly, I find Mr. Mueller’s comments reprehensible. The part that bothers me the most is the bedrock for our system of justice is that people are presumed innocent unless proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt… I think what he did today really was one of the most political things I’ve ever seen a prosecutor do and I am deeply disappointed in the Justice Department for his conduct… These comments are nothing more than chum in the water for Democrats.
Mueller proved again today that the US Department of Justice is a corrupt, criminal outfit.
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy – usbacklash.org