Obama’s ultra-corrupt State Department has been caught red handed covering-up the evidence of their lies and deception surrounding the dangerous and idiotic Iran Nuclear Deal, after they edited out about 8 minutes of questions by Fox News reporter James Rosen from a video on their website and in the archives where Obama liar Jen Psaki admitted that they are lying to the American People.
The Democrat-protecting liars at the State Department are laughably claiming that they didn’t edit the video, and the missing 8 minutes is due to a weird “glitch”.
Anyoyone who has ever worked with video knows with 100% certainty that the State Department’s excuse for the missing 8 minutes of video is complete bullshit, and that video doesn’t “glitch” off the tape, and then the good video is then spliced back together.
If the missing chunk of video was indeed caused by a “glitch” as the corrupt State Department criminals are claiming, there would have been an 8 minute hole in the video where the video used to be, and the ends before and after the so-called “glitch” wouldn’t magically be pulled together to get rid of the 8 minute hole.
No, Obama had someone manually edited out the 8 minutes of questions from James Rosen, because they don’t want the American People to know that they are actively and routinely lying to the American People to cover up the Obama administration’s deception.
Archived State Department video from a 2013 press conference over the Iran deal was missing about eight minutes of questioning to cover up deception within the Obama administration and the only news outlet talking about it was Fox News.
Fox’s chief Washington correspondent James Rosen was at that press conference and it was his questioning that was missing, denoted by a white flash on screen on the official video. The State Department blamed the missing chunk as a “glitch.” And how lucky it was for them that this specific eight minutes was what “mysteriously” disappeared: Jen Psaki, the spokesperson at that time, explaining that sometimes the administration needs to deceive the public in order to achieve national security goals (transcript via Newsbusters):
JEN PSAKI: James, I have no new information for you today on the timing of when there were any discussions with any Iranian officials.
JAMES ROSEN: Let me try it one last way, Jen.
PSAKI: Okay.
ROSEN: And I appreciate your indulgence.
PSAKI: Sure.
ROSEN: Is it the policy of the State Department where the preservation of the secrecy of secret negotiations is concerned, to lie in order to achieve that goal?
PSAKI: James, I think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. This is a good example of that.
Rosen appeared on The Five this week and explained how he found out his section was missing from the video. It all started with The New York Times interview with President Obama’s top aide and speech writer Ben Rhodes who revealed how the White House spins the news in its favor. Rhodes admitted in the article that the public was misled as to when the Iran talks actually began. When Rosen sent his team to recover the archived video so that he could do a new story on Rhodes’ admission, he uncovered that the Obama administration had been deceptive once more by deleting Psaki’s “lies are good for diplomacy” statement.
Once the State Department had been called out, they offered yet another lie, calling the white-flash edit a glitch and restored the missing piece to the official website. Rosen noted that it has not been restored on the department’s YouTube channel.
This must’ve been another “glitch” like the one that just so happened to delete French President Francois Hollande who dared to utter the phrase “Islamist terrorism” in a White House video.
For the Obama administration, deception is the pattern, not the exception.
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