SAD! The Fake News Democrat Media Protection Wing refuses to inform their viewers about the corruption trial of criminal Democrat senator Bob Menendez, who has been busted “selling his office for a lifestyle he couldn’t afford”, and has been indicted on multiple criminal charges of corruption, fraud and bribery.
Shockingly ABC, CBS and NBC have spent 0 (zero) minutes covering the sensational criminal trial of corrupt Democrat senator Bob Menendez!
ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN are corrupt untrustworthy liars, who exist solely to protect Democrats from themselves by hiding even the most sensational and shocking negative stories about Democrats from their viewers, while beating the dead horse over any minuscule problem with conservatives.
If a conservative politician was indicted on even 1/4th of what Menendezs is charged with the corrupt untrustworthy libtard fake news would spend 90% of their time talking about it, but unfortunately for the fake news Menendez is a Democrat criminal who they have to protect with their non-coverage.
After 62 days, the evening news shows of ABC, CBS and NBC have not given any coverage to the trial of sitting U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez.
The jury could return a verdict Wednesday on whether or not Menendez is guilty of corruption and bribery in a case that alleged he accepted lavish gifts in exchange for lobbying for his friend’s political interests. The Democrat from New Jersey has already missed a number of Senate votes while he has been on trial, and if convicted, could be removed from the Senate entirely.
But according to the Media Research Center, “ABC World News Tonight,” “CBS Evening News,” and “NBC Nightly News” haven’t found the story important enough to cover. NBC’s “Today” has also skipped the entirety of the trial.
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