Corrupt FBI Director Christopher Wray Won’t Say If FBI Had Prior Contact With The Patsy Shooter

Christopher Wray would not answer the question about if the shooter had any contact with anyone in the FBI prior to the assassination attempt, and all Wray would say is that “the shooter was not in our Holdings”, whatever the fuck that means.

So, the patsy would be assassin was not officially in their records? Well, I would expect someone you are using to assassinate the former President of the United States to be someone who is untraceable back to them, and that is exactly what happened here. Wray just doesn’t want to perjure himself before Congress, so he would not say “Yes” or “No”, he would just repeat the shady “holdings” line.

Congressman Matt Gaetz: Was the shooter on the FBI’s radar, in any way, prior to the assassination attempt?

Christopher Wray: We did not have any information uh about the shooter. He was not in our Holdings um before the shooting.

Congressman Matt Gaetz: No communication in any chat rooms? No CIS or confidential human sources have any interaction with…

Christopher Wray: No, we’ve run a thorough search uh for the subject through all of our Holdings, and and he was not in them anywhere.

Congressman Matt Gaetz: Were there any FBI agents or informants present at the Trump rally in Butler?

Christopher Wray: Not to my knowledge.

Congressman Matt Gaetz: Was the shooter known to the FBI? Yes or No?

Christopher Wray: What I can tell you is that he wasn’t in the FBI Holdings.

They didn’t ask Wray if the patsy assassin was in the FBI Holdings. They wanted to know about ANY prior contact between the FBI and the shooter, and Wray wouldn’t answer the question that I think many of us already know the answer to.

FBI director Christopher Wray was asked multiple times, in multiple ways about the FBI’s prior contact with the would-be assassin, and he would not say “Yes” or “no”. Wray was also not able to say whether there were FBI agents at the Trump rally that day in Butler PA, and just answered by saying “Not to my knowledge”. You are the fucking FBI director aren’t you?

The answer is YES, the FBI had prior contact with the would be assassin. They are probably responsible for the shooter’s offshore accounts that they used to lure their patsy to try and assassinate the former President of the United States. AND OF COURSE THERE WERE FBI AGENTS IN THE CROWD AT THE TRUMP RALLY! THERE ALWAYS IS, AND NOT FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRESIDENT TRUMP. Wray just doesn’t want people to know that the FBI floods every Trump function with agents, in hopes of finding more bullshit they can try and prosecute him for.


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