Corrupt Fake News Libtard Media May Have Taken Bribes To Spread Fake Trump Russia Dossier

Newly raised questions regarding the Fake Trump Russian Dossier are questioning whether members of the libtard fake news were bribed by Fusion GPS, the Democratic Party and/or the Hillary Clinton campaign, to spread their obviously fake document.

The Democrats and the media knew that the Russian Dossier was fake, which is why it wasn’t reported on up until the corrupt libtard dickheads at BuzzFeed published the fake document. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats paid BuzzFeed for initially running with the fake story that no other respectable and trustworthy news outlet would publish.

“I asked one question on November 4th [regarding who paid for the Fake Russian Dossier] and I was told that I did not need to know,” – Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile

The Democrats will continue to ignore subpoenas, stall and destroy evidence until there is nothing left to convict the Democrat criminals with.

The role of reporters is taking on added importance in federal court battles over the infamous Russia dossier that leveled unverified charges of collusion against the Donald Trump campaign.

In U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Fusion GPS, the dossier’s financier via the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign money, is fighting a House committee chairman’s bid to find out if the opposition research firm paid journalists.

In U.S. District Court in Florida, a self-described dossier victim wants a judge to order the news website BuzzFeed, which published the dossier in full, to disclose who gave it to them.

The cases underscore how a Moscow-sourced memorandum created as opposition research against Donald Trump in the presidential campaign last year often dictates the debate about politics and reporters’ rights in Washington.

Rep. Devin Nunes, California Republican and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, signed a subpoena to force a bank to turn over Fusion’s financial records. He wants to know who paid for the dossier, which was written in a series of 18 memos by former British spy Christopher Steele. He relied almost exclusively on unidentified Kremlin sources.

Fusion went to federal court to block the move, but the law firm Perkins Coie LLP, whose partner Marc E. Elias is the Clinton’s campaign’s general counsel, intervened. It filed a letter acknowledging it had paid Fusion for the dossier on behalf of Democrats. Fusion and Mr. Nunes then worked out an agreement on access to some of the firm’s financial records.

But the dispute heightened again Friday as Fusion renewed its request for a judge to block the subpoena because Mr. Nunes wants more information. The widened net includes the names of journalists and law firms that Fusion might have paid.

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