Donna Brazile, the same piece of shit ultra corrupt Democrat bitchbag who was busted giving CNN debate questions and topics to the Hillary Clinton campaign ahead of the Fake CNN Debate, may also be a “person of interest” in the investigation into the political assassination of Wikileaks whistleblower Seth Rich.

Corrupt Democrat Skank Donna Brazile Is ‘Person of Interest’ In Assassination of Wikileaks Whistleblower Seth Rich
Sources say that corrupt libtard bitchbag Donna Brazile had a very heated verbal altercation with Seth Rich just weeks before his death regarding the DNC’s thumb on the scale in favor of criminal Hillary Clinton and the mistreatment of Bernie Sanders in the primary race.
“So basically when I called the police department that information was immediately given to Donna Brazil and she caught Joe wanting to know why I was inquiring about Seth relationships at the DNC,” Wheeler wrote. “As a police investigator that automatically makes me think that Donna Brazil is in a category of persons of interest as it relates to the death of Seth rich.”
I have no doubt in my mind that Donna Brazile, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama all know exactly who assassinated Wikileaks Whistleblower Seth Rich, because one of these Democrat criminals most likely personally ordered the murder of Rich.
There needs to be a full investigation into the political assassination of Seth Rich by the Democrats, and once the investigation is completed the guilty Democrats should be put to death, or at the very least Seth Rich’s murderer should spend the rest of shitty their lives rotting in a prison cell.
In a series of text messages sent to Fox News reporter Malia Zimmerman by private investigator Rod Wheeler, he describes being “startled” by Donna Brazile, and states that her behavior “makes me think that Donna Brazile is in a category of persons of interest as it relates to the death of Seth Rich.”
The day before Fox News published their now-retracted story about Rich being the source of the Democratic National Committee emails released by WikiLeaks, Wheeler wrote to Zimmerman. Wheeler explained how Brazile had called the police department after he met with the lead detective on the case.
A “Key Communications Log” of detailed exchanges between Wheeler and Zimmerman was provided to Big League Politics by a person who wishes to remain anonymous at this time. Big League Politics is not making any accusations or passing any judgment on the text messages presented below.
Big League Politics previously published the notes from Wheeler’s April 25, 2017, meeting with D.C. police Detective Joseph DellaCamera, in which the detective did not confirm or deny Rich being in contact with WikiLeaks. DellaCamera admitted that he had been trying to contact Julian Assange for help with the case.
From Wheeler’s notes:
“DellaCamera was asked, ‘were you aware that Seth was having problems with two supervisors at his job (DNC) and he was very emotionally upset because of his problems at the DNC?’ DellaCamera replied, ‘I was aware that there were problems, but I don’t know who the supervisors were that he was having problems with.’”
A source very close to the investigation told Big League Politics that Brazile and Rich had been in an extremely heated verbal altercation regarding the DNC’s treatment of Bernie Sanders in the weeks prior to his death.
The text messages that follow are unedited other than the use of emphasis.
“The former DC police chief Her name was Cathy Lanier. I’m not at the computer right now but what I will do is just send you a short blurb via text as to what I was told by Joel and what I learned pertaining to Donna Brazil,” Wheeler said in a text to Zimmerman. “So I spoke with the detective on last Friday and we agreed to meet today and I was going to have him talk with some of the House intelligence investigators pertaining to the Seth rich case and whether or not there were any correlations between that case and the other cases of hacking at the house intelligence investigators are looking into.”
In subsequent messages to Zimmerman, Wheeler explained that he spoke to Seth’s father Joel Rich, and that he told him Brazille had called him inquiring as to why he was “snooping around asking questions.”
“Detective DellaCamera did not show up for our arrange the meeting nor has he returned any of my telephone calls which clearly indicates to me that he has been told not to meet with us,” Wheeler wrote to the reporter. “Additionally I talked with Joel Rich today via telephone to give him an update as to what are some of the concerns that I am finding with the investigation. Joel admitted to me that when I first got involved with this investigation and I started calling the police detective, Joel said Rod do you really know the reason why the Detective did not call you back when you were calling him? I said no what was the reason. Joel said that when I called the police department right after that Donna Brazil called him and was asking him why was I snooping around asking questions about the death of Seth and his working relationships at the DNC. I was startled to learn that Donna Brazil even knew that I had reached out to the police department.”
“So basically when I called the police department that information was immediately given to Donna Brazil and she caught Joe wanting to know why I was inquiring about Seth relationships at the DNC,” Wheeler wrote. “As a police investigator that automatically makes me think that Donna Brazil is in a category of persons of interest as it relates to the death of Seth rich.”
The investigator continued on. He said that it was not just Brazile who was inquiring about his investigation, but Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as well.
“I also spoke with another source today who informed me that not only was Donna Brazil snooping around wanting to know what was I learning with regards to the DNC and Seth rich but also I was told that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was snooping around wanting to know how much it was I learning,” Wheeler said.
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