It has been reported that at least this one “professor” at Michigan State University, William S. Penn has been attacking conservatives with the same typical bullshit lies that we see from Obama and the other liberals in the government who lie on a daily basis to the American People.
Piece of shit loser William S. Penn doesn’t deserve to be teaching our kids! He deserves to have been aborted, using the late term abortion method which liberal turds like William S. Penn usually support.
– Republicans don’t want black people to vote? – That is complete bullshit. We want anyone who can legally vote to vote – ONLY ONCE, instead of the multiple times that some liberals vote. Liberals don’t want people to have to show an ID when they vote because it’s easier to commit voter fraud without having to show an ID.
– Republicans “don’t want to pay taxes because they have already raped this country and gotten everything out of it they possibly could.” HA HA HA!!!! That is completely fucking hilarious! Especially when you look at who exactly doesn’t pay their taxes, and you know what? The HUGE majority of people caught evading their taxes are… You guessed it. Democrats don’t pay their taxes. – LOOK IT UP!
Brainless dumb-fucks like William S. Penn, and many many others will never tell the truth, and will always lie about conservatives, because if they told the truth, most honest Democrats (which there are not many of) would probably leave the Democrat party so fast their heads would spin.A professor at Michigan State University (MSU) is now under investigation by the college after beginning his college writing class by slamming the Romneys and blathering about “old Republicans” who “raped” the country. Professor William S. Penn told one student that Republicans want “black people” not to vote: “If you go to the Republican convention in Florida, you see all of the old Republicans with the dead skin cells washing off them. They are cheap. They don’t want to pay taxes because they have already raped this country and gotten everything out of it they possibly could. They don’t want to pay for your tuition because who are you? Well, to me you are somebody.”
When a student made a face, Penn launched into the student: “You can frown if you want. You look like you are frowning. Are you frowning?”
Penn was a Distinguished Faculty Award recipient at MSU in 2003, and has won the Stephen Crane Prize for Fiction twice. In that vein, he said, “This country still is full of closet racists. What do you think is going on in South Carolina and North Carolina. Voter suppression. Its about getting black people not to vote. Why? Because black people tend to vote Democratic. Why would would Republicans want to do it? Because Republicans are not a majority in this country anymore. They are a bunch of dead white people. Or dying white people.”
Kent Cassella, a spokesperson for MSU, said, “At MSU it is important the classroom environment is conducive to a free exchange of ideas and is respectful of the opinions of others…We will be looking into it.”
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