DuckDuckGo is no longer a trustwothy search engine, and they can seriously go fuck themselves!
Until yesterday I did most of my searches on because I didn’t think they were censoring conservative viewpoints like Google and many others, but we were wrong. DuckDuckGo is just another piece of shit left-wing search engine that hides the links of conservative website and companies, while pushing democrat lies to the top of their search. results.
Now we are learning that DuckDuckGo is just another leftist shithold that is lying to and misinforming it’s users. They are actively pushing conservative links deep down in their search results, while promoting lies and alt-left-wing propaganda.
I don’t now if you’re aware of it but it appears that duckduckgo is now filtering out your website. I switched over to their android app back in 2020 and I could just type in “” and your site would be the first to come up.
Last week I noticed it wouldn’t come up at all anymore unless I add the www. In front of it. This morning I noticed even if I type the whole thing now, it doesn’t come up at all.
I just tested the search using chrome and searching on does not return your site at all.
As I’m sure you are – getting a bit sick of this.Best,
I will no longer do any searches on DuckDuckGo. I have removed as my browser’s default search engine, and removed them from my favorites.
Here is some info if you want to do the same thing and remove DuckDuckGo from your browser as well.
We have been disappeared. Despite having millions of readers a day the top articles that pop up for Gateway Pundit include hit pieces that had no traffic.
What adds insult to injury is that the search engines and Big Tech demons will allow knock-off sites to steal our content word-for-word, including photos and video and that is OK. That is approved. This is the evil we are up against.
Today Breitbart posted a report on DuckDuckGo. They have become Google. They are actively censoring conservative content that does not fit their world view.
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