Communists Tout Bernie Sanders Rally w/ 7500 People Who Came To Watch Free Concert From The Strokes

HaHaHa! Communist democrat Bernie Sanders supporters are bragging about the 7,500 people who showed up to a rally Sanders held in New Hampshire – saying the rally was “70 times larger” than Joe Biden’s last rally – but Sanders’ campaign rally included a free concert with a popular band called “The Strokes”, and most of those 7,500 people came out for the free concert, not to see Communist loser Bernie Sanders.

“Trump supporters are as fired up as I have ever seen them. This rally is in an arena that I was at just two nights ago — Saturday night at an event that included ALL of the major Democrat candidates and we have a bigger crowd, by far, just for Donald Trump than we had on Saturday for all of the Democrats.” – ABC News’ Jon Karl

This ABC reporter, Jon Karl, was in awe of what he saw at the New Hampshire Trump rally, and he was just seeing the people inside the event – not the many thousands upon thousands of fired up patriots who couldn’t get in, and watched the rally outside the event on huge screen TV’s.

Sure, Joe Biden’s rallies are much smaller than 7,500 people, but he hasn’t included any popular bands to pad the numbers, so you really can’t compare the two.

President Trump can TRULY say that his campaigns are hundreds of times larger than any democrat candidate in the field, and the 12-20K voters who come out on a regular basis to see President Trump, and ONLY President Trump – not a band.

It’s like Bernie Sanders’ campaign said “We have to make our campaign rallys look more like President Trump’s jam packed rallies, so we will use smoke and mirrors and giveaways to bump up the numbers – and they STILL couldn’t match President Trump’s numbers – not even close!

Even the leftist media are amazed by the numbers of enthusiastic conservative voters came out to watch President Trump speak, which was a larger group of supporters for Trump than ALL of the democrat losers combined. in the same venue, just days apart.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Monday night held his final rally in New Hampshire ahead of Tuesday’s primary, featuring Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), actress Cynthia Nixon, activist Cornel West, and the American rock band The Strokes — an event that reportedly drew 7,500 attendees.

The event took place at the Whittemore Center Arena in Durham, New Hampshire, drawing thousands of attendees. Prominent left-wing activist and Sanders supporter Michael Moore touted the “massive turnout” on social media following the event, citing NBC’s claim that the rally was “70 times larger” than Biden’s final campaign event in the Granite State.

“Massive turnout for Bernie last night! His closing rally was, according to NBC, 70 TIMES LARGER than Biden’s final event! Whoa! Warren filled a church, Amy had a packed bar & Bloomberg was printing money,” Moore said. “Let’s vote today New Hampshire! Bernie – not just a candidate, a MOVEMENT!”

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