Comcast Tries Cashing In on Buying Off Obama Administration and Democrats With $ Billions & Friendly Coverage

Comcast Tries Cashing In on Buying Off Obama Administration and the Democrats With $ Billions & Friendly Coverage

Comcast Tries Cashing In on Buying Off Obama Administration and the Democrats With $ Billions & Friendly Coverage

Comcast is about to cash in on their liberal corruption, using their connection with the Obama administration to take over 1/3 of the bundled cable and satellite market in America, which will for sure raise prices and decrease choices.

“I can make you and the members of this committee one absolute commitment, which is that there is nothing in this transaction that will cause anybody’s cable bills to go up,” – Comcast Executive Vice President David Cohen

Sound familiar? Sure it does. Cohen took that statement straight from Obama’s Obamacare playbook, from when Obama lied and said “If you like your doctor and plan, you can keep your doctor and plan”. Cohen’s statement is a lie.

Equally shocking is that Democrat Sen. Al Franken is fighting the merger, calling it a “disaster”. “This is the number one cable TV company buying the number two. And this is the number one internet broadband company buying the number three.” – Democrat Sen. Al Franken

Comcast / Time Warner Merger Is Bad For America

At National Review, Matthew Continetti lays out the numbers that look at how communications giant Comcast has spent the last few years purchasing the Democrat Party, especially Barack Obama. Now that Comcast is looking to merge with Time Warner and own one-third of all the bundled cable and satellite market in America, this note has come due and the deafening silence over the merger from Democrats indicates that FCC approval is just a matter of formality.

Some of the bullet points:

Comcast CEO and president Brian Roberts is Obama’s golf buddy. He’s donated thousands to Obama, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and numerous high-profile Democrats, including Steny Hoyer. Roberts is also an Obama fundraiser to the tune of $2 million and has visited the White House 14 times since 2010.

The Comcast Foundation has funneled more than $3 billion — with a “b” — to Hispanic, black and Asian groups that make up the Democrat’s primary voting bloc.

Continetti also points out that the primary contribution Comcast has made to Democrats has been through its ownership of NBC and NBC News. NBC’s entertainment programming obviously skews left, and has always been ready to promote things like the Left’s green campaigns.

What NBC News and MSNBC have done for Democrats and Obama, though, is incalculable. Imagine a fully-staffed news team and network solely devoted to protecting your party, your agenda, and attacking your opponents.

If that isn’t enough, the company Comcast wants to merge with, Time Warner, has been greasing the palms of Democrats like Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry to the tune of millions.

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