CNN is loser “news network” run by a bunch of stupid libtard assholes who can go fuck themselves.
CNN put up a graphic that read “Trump rampage survivor” when the story or Muslim terrorist attack had absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump.

CNN Sucks Assholes! Display “Trump rampage survivor” Graphic On Live TV Report About Nice Terrorist Truck Attack
A more accurate statement from CNN would have been “Survivor of Obama’s Terrorist Friends”, since Obama’s time in office has been spent protecting and supporting the world’s terrorists, including releasing the worst of the worst global terrorists we had already caught.
Don’t even try and tell me that this attack on Trump is a mistake, because we know it was done on purpose by the dick sucking libtard losers at CNN.
No wonder why CNN ratings are in the toilet, and only getting worse. Everyone knows that CNN is not trustworthy, and that their so-called “reporting” should not be believed, because all they do is lie and parrot Obama’s talking points.
For a second time in three days, CNN — the so-called “Clinton News Network” — made a highly suspicious blunder.
Today, the network was covering the terrorist attack in Nice, France and while interviewing a survivor, instead of calling him a “truck rampage survivor,” “Legal View” instead referred to him as a “Trump rampage survivor.”
Look at the graphic at the bottom of the screen:
@realDonaldTrump — Trump rampage survivor– oops
— Javier Diaz (@jav3818) July 15, 2016
On Wednesday, as reporter Brianna Keilar was appearing live from Hillary’s speech in Springfield, Illinois — and critiquing her record — the feed was mysteriously lost.
“Largely Hillary Clinton’s comments here today, John, were based around the recent violence that we have seen,” Keilar reported.
“The police-involved shootings of black men in Minnesota, in Louisiana, and the killing of white police officers by a black gunman in Dallas. That was really what she based her comments on around today.
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