CNN Can’t Handle Tough Questions About The ‘Intentional’ Assassination Attempt Against President Trump

CNN can’t handle someone talking about an “intentional” assassination attempt, but if they were REALLY doing their jobs, it would be THE MEDIA asking the tough questions. But they aren’t concerned about the truth because they are all purveyors of leftist lies and deception.

The leftist fake news media seems pretty shocked at the assassination attempt against President Trump, but I don’t think they are shocked by what happened. They knew their rhetoric would cause something like that. No, the media is shocked that President Trump survived the inside job assassination attempt, when they all thought that on Sunday they’d be talking about a dead President Trump.

The media immediately started saying how the kid was a “registered Republican”, but that is bullshit. He just voted in the Primary as a Republican to cause shit, like many other shit disturbers. The fact is that the would-be-assassin “hated Trump and all politicians”.

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