OUCH! Bill & Hillary Clinton are now caught up in ANOTHER HUGE SCANDAL!
In the “Clinton University Scandal”, Bill Clinton was paid $16.5 million to act as a “spokesman” for Laureate Education Inc, and it just happens that at least $55 million of US Taxpayer money was funneled back to the company, which by the way, makes a lot of money on the backs of young students.

Clinton University Scam – Company Pays “Pitchman” Bill Clinton $16.5 Million In Exchange For $55 Million Of Taxpayer Money Funneled Back to Company
Hillary was eventually going to have to answer questions about the $55 Million “Clinton University Scam” that was exposed initially by Judicial Watch and further in Peter Schweizer’s “Clinton Cash” book, and I think that time is coming up fast.
I’m sure the Clinton people are already meeting to come up with their lies that explain away their involvement in the corrupt “Clinton University Scandal”.
Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attack on Donald Trump over Trump University could invite increased scrutiny of the Clintons’ involvement in a for-profit education scandal in which a company that runs shell colleges paid Bill Clinton $16.5 million to be its pitchman.
While the Clintons were collecting millions, Hillary Clinton’s State Department funneled at least $55 million to a group run by the college company, Laureate Education Inc., according to Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash” as Breitbart reported.
Clinton abruptly resigned from his post as “honorary chancellor” in April 2015 when the disclosure was publicized.
Documents uncovered by Washington-based watchdog Judicial Watch show Laureate Education paid the former president through a “shell corporation” pass-through account that evidently passed State Department scrutiny while Hillary was secretary of state.
Further, in a story showing how for-profit colleges encourage huge student debt, Forbes found the biggest borrower on the for-profit college list is Laureate Education’s Walden University, whose grad students borrowed $756 million in 2014.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/06/clinton-for-profit-education-scandal-dwarfs-trump-u/#HB9AcK7yUzkgbdi1.99
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